Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 4.djvu/448

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61 STAT.] MULTILATERAL-SHIPPING-FEB. 11, 1946 PART "C" 8. That the arrangements in Parts "A" and "B" shall remain in effect from 3rd March until 31st October, 1946, unless by unanimous consent of the Governments accepting the respective Parts it is decided to ter- minate them at an earlier date. 9. That Governments accepting the recommendations in Part "A" and/or Part "B" shall notify their acceptance to the U. S . and U. K . Governments at the earliest possible date and that, as between the Governments notifying their acceptance, the relevant recommenda- tions shall be regarded as an agreement for the period stated in recom- mendation 8.[ 1] 10. That other Governments requesting information should be in- formed of these recommendations to the end that they may participate, if they so desire, by notifying their acceptance of Part "A" and/or part "B", in accordance with recommendation 9. The Secretary of State to the British Ambassador The Secretary of State presents his compliments to His Excellency the Ambassador of Great Britain and has the honor to inform the Government of the United Kingdom that the United States of America has accepted Parts "A" and "B" of the recommendations to contract- ing Governments appended to a document entitled "U.M.E.B . 4/16 United Maritime Executive Board, Fourth Session, Recommenda- tions to Contracting Governments, Note by the Secretariat", which recommendations were adopted by the United Maritime Executive Board on February 11, 1946 at its Fourth Session in London. The Secretary of State understands that in accordance with para- graph 9 of Part "C" of the recommendations referred to above, the relevant recommendations shall be regarded as agreed to from larch 3, 1946 until October 31, 1946, unless by unanimous colnsent of the Governments accepting the respective Parts it is decided to terminate them at an earlier date. DEPARTMENT OF STATE, Washington, March 5, 1946. JES [The Governments of the following countries accepted the recommendations: Australia, Belgium (with reservation), Brazil, Canada, Chile, Denmark, France, Greece, India, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Sweden (with reserva- tion), Union of South Africa, United Kingdom, and the United States.] Notification of ac- ceptance. U. S. acceptance. Ante, pp. 3792, 3794. Ante, p. 3791. 3795