Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 4.djvu/506

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61 STAT.] DENMARK-AIR SERVICE FACILITIES Sept. 26 19463853 Oct. 1, 1946 3853 "The Danish Government agree: 1. To operate and maintain the facilities in a manner adequate for the air traffic in the airport at which the facilities are located and along the recognized international air routes converging on that airport and in pursuance of the rules for the time being in force within PICAO, of which Denmark is a member. 2. To provide on a non-discriminatory basis the service of the facili- ties to all aircraft under the rules of PICAO. All messages permitted under PICAO shall be conveyed, and computation of charges, if any, shall also be made in pursuance of the rules of PICAO. 3. To instruct the Danish Meteorological Aeronautical Service to take care that the messages necessary for the air traffic and the meteor- ological institutions are transmitted according to the rules laid down by PICAO and OMI, and to transmit to aircraft over Danish territory the messages necessary for the air traffic. 4. To keep and operate the facilities in the airport of Copenhagen until new facilities are supplied in pursuance of the rules fixed by PICAO, or until it may be agreed upon between the Danish and United States Governments that there is no longer a need for the original facilities for complying with PICAO'S rules. The Danish Government agree that the facilities will be devoted exclusively to the aeronautical service and will not be diverted to other communication service. 5. To provide staff at the air, ground, and tower services in pursu- ance of the PICAO's rules. The Danish authorities will, if and when in their opinion it is of importance for the service, call in a representative of the owner of the aircraft concerned. 6. To use to the necessary extent the frequencies for air, ground, and control tower operations laid down by PICAO. 7. To permit direct contact between the Sections of the Civil Air Department in the airport of Copenhagen and the local representa- tives of USA airlines. The United States Government agrees: 1. To include in the transfer of the facilities one year's consump- tion of maintenance parts and expendable supplies, wherever their stocks permit. 2. To do everything possible to assist the Government of Denmark or its representatives in purchasing through regular commercial chan- nels maintenance parts and expendable supplies for the operation of the facilities." I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to you, Monsieur le Ministre, the assurances of my highest consideration. GVUTAV RArmsuN. Monsieur JOBrAH MAVELx, jr., Minister of the United States of America Copenhagen. 96847°- 50 -- . r--8f