Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 4.djvu/538

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. MINISTERIO DE EDUCACION PUBLIOA SUPPLEMENT TO BASIC AGREEMENT This agreement is made this 30 day of April 4,5 1945 between the Government of Perd, represented by Ing° Enrique Laroza, Minister of Public Education (hereinafter called the Ministry) and the Inter- American Educational Foundation, Inc., a corporation of the Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs (now known as the Office of Inter-American Affairs) and an Agency of the Government of the United States of America (hereinafter called the Foundation), repre- sented by J. Graham Sullivan, its Special Representative. Clause I An,, p. 3877. The Basic Contract of April 4, 1944, made between the Government of Perd, represented by the Minister, and the Inter-American Educa- tional Foundation, Inc., represented by its Vice-President, provides Ant, p. 3878. in paragraphs 6 and 7 that the Foundation would grant to the Servicio de Cooperaci6n Peruano Norte-Americano en Educaci6n (hereinafter called the S.C .P .N.E.) the total sum of $41,700.00, U.S . Dollars, as follows: No later than June 4, 1944, the sum of $13,900.00 No later than April 3, 1945, the sum of $13,900.00 No later than April 3, 1946, the sum of $13,900.00; and that the Government of Perd would contribute to the S.C .P.N.E. the sum of $86,000.00, U.S. Dollars, or the equivalent in Peruvian Soles, calculated on the basis of a rate of exchange of 6.485 Soles per U.S . Dollar, namely, the sum of S/.557,710.00, Peruvian Soles, as follows: No later than June 4, 1944, the sum of $28,666 .68 or S/.185,903.34 No later than April 3, 1945, the sum of $28,666 .66 or S/.185,903.33 No later than April 3, 1946, the sum of $28,666.66 or 8/.185,903.33 Clause II Because of the fact that circumstances rendered it impossible for the Foundation to secure the services of qualified individuals to make up its group of educational specialists, it became necessary to postpone activities under the Basic Contract and to delay the deposit of the contributions to the S.C .P.N .E . mentioned above. Clause III Actlg spe 1 cl RBe In December of 1944 Dr. Reginald C. Reindorp was appointed by the Foundation as its Acting Special Representative in Perd and pursuant to conversations with the Minister was also appointed as Acting Director of the S.C .P .N .E . by Supreme Resolution No. 3987 of the Government of Perd on December 6, 1945. Clause IV Modiitionofpay As a result of conversations between the Minister and the Acting Representative of the Foundation, it was agreed that the payments of both the Peruvian Government and the Foundation to the 3886