Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 4.djvu/585

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61 STxr.] MULTILATERAL-MUTUAL AID SETTLEMENT-MAY 28,1947 retransfer was given by the United States Government before January 1, 1947. B. Each Government reserves the right of recapture of any arms, ammunition and implements of war (as defined in Appendix 2 Post 3937. hereto) which were supplied under lend-lease or reciprocal aid and are held by the other Government on the date on which notice requesting return is communicated to the other Government (except- ing, however, those supplied under lend-lease on cash reimburse- ment terms not subsequently converted to straight lend-lease terms),; but each Government has indicated that it does not intend to exer- cise generally its right of recapture of such articles. Disposals of such articles in or for use in third countries will be made only with the consent of the supplying Government and with payment to the supplying Government of any proceeds of such disposals. Each Government agrees that all such articles held by it will be used only for purposes compatible with the principles of international security and welfare set forth in the Charter of the United Nations. 9B tat. 1031. C. To the extent required by United States law, naval and merchant vessels which were made available to the Netherlands Government under lend-lease will be returned to the United States Government. 10. Miscellaneous Provisions A. References in this Agreement to articles supplied under lend-lease, and to lend-lease transfers, include lend-lease articles transferred by the United States Government to a third government and retransferred by the third government to the Netherlands Government. B. To the extent that the provisions of this Agreement are inconsistent with those contained in any previous agreement, the provisions of this Agreement shall prevail. C. Nothing in this Agreement affects the obligation of the Netherlands Government under Article IV of the Preliminary Agreement of July 8, 1942, relating to patents. M Stat. 1WS. D. The two Governments agree to conclude such specific agree- ments as may be necessary to implement this general understanding. E. This Agreement will be effective upon signature. Effective date. DONE at Washington, in duplicate, this twenty-eighth day of May, 1947. FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: G C MARSHAIL Secretary of State of the United States of America FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE KINGDOM OF THE NETHERLANDS: A. LouDON Ambassador Extraordinaryand Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of the Netherlands 95347' - 50- -PT. Iv-38 3933