Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 4.djvu/596

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. The Secretary of State to the Netherlands Ambassador DEPARTMENT OF STATE WASHINGTON May £8, 1947 MY DEAR MR. AMBASSADOR: In connection with the Agreement signed today between our Gov- Antc,p .s394. ernments for the settlement of lend-lease and other war accounts, and your letter to me of today acknowledging settlement, among others, of certain claims of your Government against the United States War and Navy Departments amounting to $3,682,274.60, I wish to advise you that the total number of Netherlands guilders in accounts of finance officers of the United States armed forces to be turned over to the Netherlands Government pursuant to the arrangements and pro- cedures referred to in sub-paragraph 3C of the above mentioned Agree- Ant4cp. s3. ment is 61,390,703. This amount will be turned over to the Nether- lands Government as soon as the Netherlands Government has made the payment of $19,500,000 referred to in sub-paragraph 6A of the Ant, p .330. Agreement and executes appropriate documents in form acceptable to the War Department. An additional amount of 31,552 guilders now in accounts of finance officers of the United States Army is shown by United States Army records to have been captured from the enemy. This amount will be turned over to the Netherlands Government unconditionally. If further examination of United States Army records should hereafter reveal that any portion of the above mentioned amount of 61,390,703 guilders was captured from the enemy, the War Department will promptly pay to the Netherlands Government its dollar equivalent, computed at the rate of $0.377415 per guilder. If other captured guilders are found among other guilder holdings of the United States Army, such captured guilders will be turned over to the Netherlands Government unconditionally. The United States Army, by arrange- ment with representatives of the Netherlands Government, will render any assistance agreed to be necessary to discover such items. It is my understanding that the Netherlands Government agrees, upon request, to convert into dollars, at the rate specified above, guilders tendered by the United States Army up to an aggregate dollar value of $100,000 over and above the 61,390,703 guilders above referred to and in addition to guilders acquired by the United States Army through official government channels. No request for conver- sion of guilders in excess of such $100,000 will be made by or on behalf of the United States Army other than in respect to guilders acquired by the United States Army through official Netherlands Government channels. It is further my understanding that this Agreement settles any claims that the Netherlands Government may have for guilder ad- vances made to the United States armed forces in the Territories of Surinam and Curacao prior to September 1, 1946 and in the Nether- lands in Europe prior to the date of this Agreement. 3944