Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 4.djvu/661

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61 STAT.] UNITED KINGDOM-AIR SERVICE FACILITIES May 8,1946 July 31,1946 4009 by the United States in operable condition. Transfer of the installa- tions will take place under the terms of the "Agreement Relating to United States Army and Navy Surplus Installations in the United Kingdom", accepted by the governments of the United States and of the United Kingdom in Washington on March 26,[1] 1946, and pur- 60 stat. l6l. suant to the procedures agreed to by the respective governments for the execution of that Agreement. 3. The United States will supply, at time of transfer of possession Mpaintdenance of installations or at such other times as may be convenient, main- tenance parts and expendable supplies scheduled on United States Army provisioning scales sufficient for operation of the above de- scribed installations for a period of one year from May 31, 1946, to- gether with standard operation and maintenance manuals or instruc- tions for such installations. Such maintenance parts, supplies and manuals will be transferred under the terms of the agreement relating to United States Army and Navy surplus property referred to in paragraph 2 above, and in accordance with procedures established therunder. The United States will, prior to May 31, 1946, within limits of per- sonnel available to the United States Armed Forces, render such as- sistance, instructions and advice as the Ministry of Civil Aviation may require for familiarization of its personnel in the operation and maintenance of the installations. 4. The United Kingdom Government, through the Ministry of Civil toperationan d Aviation, will make every effort to take over operation and mainte- Government. nance of the above described ranges at Northolt and Prestwick as of May 31, 1946, and of the other above described installations as soon as is possible, provided that the United Kingdom Government shall not be under any obligation to operate and maintain any of the said installations unless the United States Government shall have placed them in a serviceable condition, and provided further that the United Kingdom Government shall not be under any obligation to operate simultaneously the range at Northolt and the range to be moved to Heathrow. 5. The United Kingdom Government will continue operation of the PoM, p.4010. above described installations, at present standards of operation and without interruption and, in the case of the radio ranges, at no less than 150 watts power until such time as the aeronautical authorities of the United Kingdom Government after consultation with the United States and other governments concerned determine that the installa- tions may be modified or discontinued. The United Kingdom Govern- Periodic fl ment will make periodic flight checks of operation of the installations et c - in accordance with standardpractice. The United Kingdom Government, in consultation with the United P -4O States and other countries involved, will give consideration to the operation of a range at Heathrow in lieu of a range at Northolt if experience shows this to be desirable. It is understod hat only one range in the London area will be operated.

[The correct date is "Mar. 2T'.] sup- uals. main- U. K. ight ation,