Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 4.djvu/678

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4026 Exclusive jurisdic- tion in time of war. INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. base, who shall acknowledge in writing that such accused has been delivered to him for custody pending trial in a competent court of the Philippines and that he will be held ready to appear and will be pro- duced before said court when required by it. The commanding officer shall be furnished by the fiscal (prosecuting attorney) with a copy of the information against the accused upon the filing of the original in the competent court. 6. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions, it is mutually agreed that in time of war the United States shall have the right to exercise exclusive jurisdiction over any offenses which may be committed by members of the armed forces of the United States in the Philippines. 7. The United States agrees that it will not grant asylum in any of the bases to any person fleeing from the lawful jurisdiction of the Philippines. Should any such person be found in any base, he will be surrendered on demand to the competent authorities of the Philippines. 8. In every case in which jurisdiction over an offense is exercised by the United States, the offended party may institute a separate civil action against the offender in the proper court of the Philippines to enforce the civil liability which under the laws of the Philippines may arise from the offense. ARTICLE XIV ARREST AND SERVICE OF PROCESS 1. No arrest shall be made and no process, civil or criminal, shall be served within any base except with the permission of the commanding officer of such base; but should the commanding officer refuse to grant such permission he shall (except in cases of arrest where the United States has jurisdiction under Article XIII) forthwith take the neces- sary steps to arrest the person charged and surrender him to the appro- priate authorities of the Philippines or to serve such process, as the case may be, and to provide the attendance of the server of such process before the appropriate court in the Philippines or procure such server to make the necessary affidavit or declaration to prove such service as the case may require. 2. In cases where the service courts of the United States have juris- diction under Article XIII, the appropriate authorities of the Philip- pines will, on request, give reciprocal facilities as regards the service of process and the arrest and surrender of alleged offenders. ARIcie XV SECURITY LEGISLATION The Philippines agrees to take such steps as may from time to time be agreed to be necessary with a view to the enactment of legislation to insure the adequate security and protection of the United States bases, equipment and other property and the operations of the United States under this Agreement, and the punishment of persons who may contravene such legislation. It is mutually agreed that appropriate authorities of the two Governments will also consult from time to