Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 4.djvu/857

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4206 Use of French francs by Allied Forces. 59 Stat.1304 . End of lend-lease and reciprocal aid. Settlement of French franc ad- vances. Identification of agreements. INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND THE PROVISIONAL GOV. ERNMENT OF THE FRENCH REPUBLIC REGARDING EXPENDI- TURES OF THE UNITED STATES ARMED FORCES IN FRANCE AND FRENCH OVERSEAS TERRITORIES By agreements entitled "Memorandum No. I, Relating to Adminis- trative and Jurisdictional Questions" and annexes thereto, and "Memorandum No. II, Relating to Currency" initialed by representa- tives of the United States, British and French Governments on August 15, 1944, and signed in London by General Eisenhower and General Koenig on August 25, 1944, arrangements were made for the supply of French francs by the French Government to the Allied Forces and for the use of French francs by the Allied Forces. By an agreement entitled "Memorandum Relating to Lend-Lease and Reciprocal Aid", dated August 15/25, 1944, and maintained in force by an exchange of letters between the two Governments on February 28, 1945, financial arrangements were made between United States and French authorities under which francs advanced by the French Government to the United States military forces and used by the latter for net pay of troops and procurement of goods and serv- ices and other expenditures not eligible for reciprocal aid were to be paid for by the United States Government in dollars. By agreement reached in letters from Monnet to Clayton dated Sep- tember 24, 1945 and from Clayton to Monnet dated October 31, 1945, reciprocal aid from France was considered as ending simultaneously with lend-lease aid from the United States to France, i.e ., on Septem- ber 2,1945 at 00.01, with certain exceptions. On December 26, 1945 the French Government changed the rate of exchange between the French franc and the United States dollar. On December 26, 1945, the United States Armed Forces returned to the Bank of France through book entry the total amount of official franc funds held by finance officers, and franc funds held by United States Armed Forces organizations and members of the United States Armed Forces. This return was effected in order to terminate and settle the French franc advances made by the French Government since D-Day. However, at the time of the repayment, the United States Armed Forces by book entries effected the withdrawal of the same amount of francs from the Bank of France. The agreements in the following list, which does not purport to be exclusive, are referred to for identification purposes only: Memorandum of Agreement between the Supreme Commander, Allied Expeditionary Force and the military delegate under the Ordinance of 14 March 1944 of the French Committee of National Liberation for the procurement of supplies, services and facilities in Continental France, drawn pursuant to Article 17 (iv) of "Memorandum No. 1 Relating to Administrative and Jurisdictional