Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 4.djvu/929

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. The Mexican Acting Minister for ForeignRelations to the American Ambassador SECRETARIA DE RELACIONES EXTERIORES ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS MHEXICO 57176 MEXIco, D. F ., a 28 de Judo de 1945. SENOR EMnAJADOnR: Con nueva referencia a la nota de Vuestra Excelencia, nimero 3884, fechada el 12 de mayo iltimo, en la que se sirve comunicarme haber recibido instrucciones del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de America a efecto de que se prorrogue, por tres afos, el Memorandum Convenio relativo al servicio de observaci6n meteorol6gico por radiosondas, exis- tente entre mi Gobierno y el de Vuestra Excelencia, tengo el agrado de comunicarle que la Secretaria de Agricultura y Fomento me par- ticipa estar enteramente de acuerdo en que se prorrogue, por el periodo senalado, es decir, del lo. de julio de 1945 al 30 de junio de 1948, la vigencia del Memorandum Convenio de que se trata. Aprovecho esta oportunidad para renovar a Vuestra Excelencia las seguridades de mi mas alta y distinguida consideraci6n. P CAMPos Excelentisimo Senor GEORGE S. MESERsMITH. Embajador Eoatraordinarioy Plenipotenciaria de los Estados Unidos de America. Presente, Translation MINISTRY OF FOREIGN RELATIONS UNITED MEXICAN STATES MEXICO 57176 MEXICO, D.F ., Jwne S8, I945. MR. AMBASSADOR: Referring again to Your Excellency's note number 3884, dated May Ante, p. 4276. 12 last, in which you are good enough to inform me that you have re- ceived instructions from the Government of the United States of America to the end that the Memorandum of Agreement relative to the Meteorological Observation Service by radiosonde, which is in effect between my Government and that of Your Excellency, be extended for three years, I have the honor to inform you that the Department of Agriculture and Development informs me that it is completely in ac- cord with the extension for the period indicated, that is to say, from July 1,1945 to June 30,1948, of the term of the Memorandum of Agree- ment in reference. 4280