Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/1004

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til SrAr.] (ENIRAL A(;IREMENT ON TARIFFS ANI) TRAI)E-()('. 3 . 1!)47 A1015 SCHOEDUIEVI - SOUTHERN RIHODSIA This Sohedule is authentio cnlv in the Eaglish language PART I Most-favoured-Nation-Tariff Southern Rbocasia Tariff Item No. x: 86 l86 , 118 Ix 122 rx 13C W( Description of Products Motorcycle s pare parts and accessories for motorcycles, but not including electric lanp bulbs, tyres and tubes, when inported separately Machinery, apparatus, appliances and inpllments (not speoially provided for, and not including dmneatio machines or vehioles):- (i) lor agricultural purposes, but not inluding ploughs and parts thberof (ii) Plm ghs exceding 120 lbs. in eight and parts thereof (iii) cor zining purpoaes, inrluding structural steelwork for taging and platforms therefor; steel sets and guidos (iv) Pumps and aocessories therfcr Irn and steel sheets, plain, ooxrrgated or galvanisead Motor ambulanoes, truoks and van for the oanveyanoe of goods, steam vagnas and trailers therefor:- (i) Ccaplete vehicles assembled or unasseaobled (ii) Chassis, with or without cab, lmported for bdies to be built in Southern Rhodssia Traotora, and parts thareof iportad separately, including tyros, but not including tube and eleotrica lop bulbs; under suoh ocoditioti as tbe Controller may prearibe Toolas Meohanics', artisans' and mnoohi tools, .nd torklhq pWllainors Rate of DIty ?334 ad val. 334 ad al. - % adVal. 1% ad val. % aOAVal. 5%ad val. % ad val. % ad val.

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