Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/1035

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A1046 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAr. SCHEIIJLE XVIII - UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA PART I - (Continued) South African Tariff item Description of Products number I 61(a) (Cont'd) 1111) 65 (a) 66(a) 67 (a) (ii) (b) 68 69 (o) (f) (t) TO (a) (b) 71 otner ............................. .... per Lo. or ad valorem whichever duty shall be the greater Clothing: Bespoke, or made by a tailor or dressmaker to the order of an individual, including men's pertly finished clothing but excluding under- clothing .......................... ad valorem Ooir, cotton, fibre, flax, grass, hemp, manilla, Jute, silk and moss, raw, waste and unmanufactur- ed; flock and waste rayon ........................ Furs: Fur skins - in the single original pelt, wholly or partly dressed ............................. ad valorem Other, including muffs and articles of apparel (except gloves) made from furs ....... ad valorem Gloves, except gloves made wholly of rubber, fire- men's (fire brigade) gauntlets, anti-gas gloves, and gloves specially constructed for agricultural, industrial and sporting purposes ....... ad valorem Hats, caps and bonnets, and hoods and shapes: Rubber bathing caps .................. ad valorem Ladies' - trimmed (but linings, bands and borders do not oonstitute trimming) ................ ad valorem Hosiery: Socks .......................................... Note: There shall be no preference on this item. Stockings of artificial fibres ....... ad valorem Laces, lace curtaining, lace flowmng rn lace embroidery, in the paece or in the form of in- sertions or medallions ................. ad valorem Rate of Duty ls 2d 25 p.o. 30 p.c. Free 15 p.o. 331 P.O. 21 p.o. 15 p.o. 10 P.O.