Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/1058

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t1 STA'r .] GENERAL AGREEMENT ON TARIFFS AND TRAI)E-OCTI' . 30 . 194 A1 069 SOHEIIi XVIII - UNION OF SOUOI AFRIOA PART II - (Concluded) South African Tariff item number 146 I" (a) 147(t)(l) 866 (a) (a) (1) 2 (i) 524(b) Description of Products Tools not being agricultural Lmpleaents or machine tools: Yechanios', being tools ordinarily used by meehanics or artizans .......................... Tractors of the meehanioel horse type for the haulage of detachable semi-trailers .............. Soap, soap powders and extractsa: Toilet .............................. per 100 lb. or ad valores uhiohaver duty shall be the greater Wooda at1anufaotured - softwood (coniferous) ........................ other, except veneer board, .... ... .... ... ... Telesaopes, binoculars and fieldglasses, n.e.e., and opera glasses .............................. Bate of Duty Free Free 4s 94 s p... FrM Free !l..:: I I- 19i 1.1 .,, '