Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/1121

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I.\(JIuI:' N1'1118 NIRD OC.),14 SCplmE Dxz - mOm UNMC Seotion A. Yetropolitan Territonr AviT I Division 1 (oontined) Tariff Item No. Part and Group 3 xvIm(i3)(v) I n x(i3) (vi; 3 3x1(4) 3 xmvi(7) W 3 xyInl(ig) 5 Xmi(20)(i] 3 XVI(21)(iii) 3 VII(21)(iv) Xx3 XVi3(21)(v) AX3 XVIII(21)(»i) 3 xVrma(n)(tii) 3 IZv(21)(vTii) Description of Products Artiolea of stationez, the following (ontinued) :- Rubber bands Rubber erasqr of a value exoeeOing 2s.6d . per lb. Baskets manufactured wholly or parl of willow, qane or wioker Felt base floor oovering Pipea for smoking tobaooo, *to.; holders for cigars and oipgretteo; ead part thereof Unexpoaod sonaitised photographio paper, oloth, plates and film (other than oinematograph fim), pools therefor and parts of muh apools Appliance., apparatus, aooesso0rl and requisites for sporte, geaes, ganautio or athletios, and parts, the following;- Coin or diao cperated maohines and part. thereof Fishing tackle, the followng:- Rods holly or minly of iron or steel Reels Oolf olbas of a Tvlu exceeding i7ae.d. each Golf olub sheaft of a value exceeding 66d. , each Golf tees of weed Golf aolb bag , :14-4I 1 I,t ,, . - A1133 Rate of Dty r0 I5, 30% 25% RK!