Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/113

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(il STAT.] GENERAL AGREEIMENT ON TARIFFS AND TRAE--OCT. 30, 1947 SCHEDULE I - OOMINWEALTH OF AUISIRAIJA Part I (continued) Au tralian ariff Item --uer Description of Products Barbed Wire per ton Woven wire measuring over 120 holes to the lineal inch tre, n.e .i. ad ml. Mnoline type-ocposing machines Linotype, Motyeand other Type-conpoeing Machines ne.i.d Typewriters (including ooers) ad ml. M: Typewriters (including oovers) shall be erempt from ordinary moat-favoured-nation outaome duties which exceed the preferential duties on suoh produots, the produce of Oanada, by more than 10 per oent. ad valorem. Adding and Oalputing Maohines and all attachments ad Tal Caah Registers ad val Newspaper printing maohines known an "Dtplex Tbular" printing from oylindrical stereo plates as distinot from semi-oylindrical stereo platese Roll Fcd Combined Wrapper Printing and Addressaing aohines; Combined Printing and Carton Cutting Machinos; Printing Maohines and Pressos, ne .i., except Flat-bed Cylindor Printing Presses, Combined Teanakidp and Printing Maahinea and Proof Presses using rolled paper ad va. Rotary Web Printing Machines (other than those specified in sub-item (C)), weighing 25 tons or less, printing from curved stereos or curved eleotros, and designed to be fed from one or two paper rolls each not Bmre than 65 inches widej Web Printing Machines n.c .i ., weighing 25 tone or less, printing from flat type fornes, and designed to be fed from one paper roll not more than 65 inohes wide ad val Rotary and Perossive Rook Drills A/. See note at end of Part I. B/. See note at end of Part I. A113 Rate of Duty 100s. Free 15 per oent. A/ . Free 15 per ent. A/. 20 per oent. 10 per cent. A/ . 10 per cent. A/. 20 per oent. A/. 30 per sent. A/. ...... B/. 157 Xx 159(A) x 19(A) 169(A)(1) Xx 169(A)(2) Xx 169(A)(2) 169()(3) 169(B) x( 169(C)(1) 16o(D) I70(r) --