Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/1183

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 SA1T. SHinDm xx - UN STS o ARICA part I (oonti nu Bloop or band iron, and hoop or band steel, out to lengths, Jr whoAy or partly manufaotured nto hoops or ties, ooated or not oeat d h paint or aoq otber preparation, with or with- out buokles or fastenings, for baling ootton or any other ooanodity ...................... Wire rods: Rivet, sorew, fenoe, and other iron Jr steel wire rods, whether round, oval, or square, or in any other shape, nail rods uad flat rods up to six inohes in width reay to be drawn or rolled into wire or strips, all the foregoing in ooils cr other- wise, valued at not orer 2-1/2 oents per pound ......... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. Round iron or steel wire, valued at not above 6 oents per pound: Not smaller than ninety-five one-thou- asiths of on0 inah a dipctur ........ Smaller than ninety-five one-thousandtha and not smaller sixty-five one- thousandths of one inoh in dieamter..... Smaller tlan sixty-five one-thousandth of one inoh in diameter. ................ Any of the foregoing coated by dipping, galvanising, sherardising, eleotrolytio, or any other process with sino, tin, or other metal ......................... All wire oooposed of iron, steel, or other estal, not specially provided for (xoept gold, silver, platinum, tungsten, or molybdenum) ............ .............. Rate of Duty /20a per lb. 1/8 per lb. V3/8 per lb. 5/8w per lb. 3/4 er lb. I/A per lb. in addition to the rate im- poed on the wire of whioh it is ade 13 ad vel. A1196 tariff Act of 1930, ErrKK 314 315 316(a) vr