Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/1186

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61 STAT.] GENERAL AGREEMENT ON TARIFFS AND TRADE-OCT. 30,1947 A 199 Part I (oontinued) Terif Act o: 1930, para- - aaeB 324 327 327 327 327 Description of Produots Wbeels for railway purposes, and parts thereof, of iron or steel, and steel-tired wheels for ralwmy purposos, wholly or partly finished, and iron or steel locomotive, ca, or other railway tires and parts thereof, wholly or pertly manufaotured ......................... Cast-iron pipe of every deoription, and oast- iron fittings for oast-iron pipe ............ Oast-iron andirons, plates, stove plates, sad- irjns, tailors' irons, hattors' irons, but not including electric irons, and coatings and vessels wholly of coast iron, inoluding all oostings of iron or cast-iron plates which have been ohiseled, drilled, obhined, or otherwise advanood in condition by proeese or operations subsequent to the oating process but not made up into artioles, or parts there- of, or finished maohine parts ............... Castings of malleable iron not specially pro- vided for; Heel and other plates for boots and shoes . Other ..................................... lOTli Tho existing customs olassifiaotion treatment of osstings of malleable iron whioh are heal or other plates for boots and shoes, containing leather pegs or plugs, as being provided for in para- reph 327, Tariff Act of 1930, in aooord- snoe wit the decision of the lUnited States Oustosr Court published as C.D. 787 (11 Oust. Ct. 30), shall be oontin- ied during the effective period of this ,. :eaent. Molders' pattern, of whatever material oom- posed, for the manufacture of castings ..... Rate of D.^t 1/2 per b. 10% ad val. 0%ad r*L 5% ad val. 10% ad val. 12-1/2^ ad K.