Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/1260

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61 STAT.] GENERAL AGREEMENT ON TARIFFS AND TRADE-OCT. 30 ,1947 SCHEDULE XX - UNITED STATBS OF AMERICA Part I (continued) Description of Products Wool, and hair of the kinds provided for in Schedule 11, Tariff Act of 1930. [ 1 ] if carbonized, or advanced in any man- ner or by any process of manufacture beyond the washed or scoured condition, including tops, but not further ad- vanced than roving: Carbonized only ................... Other .............................. Yarn, wholly or in chief value of wool, regardless of value: Wholly or in chief value of Angora rabbit hair ..................... Other .............................. i 146 Stat. 64i; 19 U. S. C. §l1tXl. A1273 Tarrf Act o 1930, para- graph 1106 1107 Rate of Duty 27-3/4% per lb. and 6-1/4% ad val. 27-3/4/ per lb. and 12-1/2% ad val, 40% per lb. and 165 ad val. 30% per lb. and 20% ad val.