Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/1278

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6l1STAT. ] GENERAL AGREEMENT ON TARIFFS AND TRADE-OCT. 30, 1947 SCEnULK X - N ITSD STAL 01 AMIICe, Part I (oontinead) Tariff Act of 1930, para- graph Rate of Duty Description of Products Correspondenoe cards, etc.: (continued) Ruled, bordered, embossed, printed, lined, a decorated in any manner, whether in the pulp or otherwise, other than by litho- graphio process: In rolls, or in sheets one hundred and ten square inches or more in area .. In sheets less than one hundred and te square inches in area .............. Drawing paper, weighing eight pounds or over per ream and valued at 40 cents or more par pound: Not ruled, bordered, embossed, printed, lined, or decorated in any manner ........ Ruled, bordered, embossed, printed, lined, or decorated in any manner, whether in the pulp or otherwise, other than by litho- graphic process .......................... Handmrde paper, and paper oommonly or oomer- coully known as handmade or machine handmade paper; all the foregoing weighing eight pounds or over per ream: Not ruled, bordered, embossed, printed, lined, or decorated in any manner ........ Ruled, bordered, embossed, printed, lined, or decorated in any manner, whether in the pulp or otherwise, other then by litho- graphio process .......................... Bristol board of the kinds made on a Pourdrinier or a multioylinder machine, weighing eight pounds or over per ream: Not ruled, bordered, embossed, printed, lined, or decorated in any manner: Valued at not more than 15 cents per pound ............................ Valued at more than 15 oents par pound A1291 1-V/26 per lb. and 12-1/25 ad val. l-V/2 per lb. and 15 ad val. M per lb. and 5% ad vaL 16 per lb. and 104 ad val. l-y/2 per lb. and 7-3/2% ad val. 1-V2/j per lb. and 12-2/2 ad val. 1-1/2pper lb. and 5% ad val. 1-21/ per lb. and 7-1/2% ad val. l07(a, oon. 1407(a ) 1407(a) 1407(a)