Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/1292

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61 STAT.] GENEIRAI, A(G1REEMENT ON TARIFFS AND TRADE-OCT. 30, 1947 SSOIB E XX - UNITED STATS OFPAIMIGA Part I (ccntimued) Description of PraEduos Artioles, wholly or partly manufactured (inoluding fur collars, fur cuffs, and fur trimings), wholly or in ohief value of fur, not specially provided for: Of silver or black fox fr ....... ......... . Other .. ... .... ... .... ... .... ... .. Hatters' furs, or furs not ca the, prepared for hatters' use, including fur s-ins carroted Fans of all kidas, exoept comona palm-leaf fans . Human hair, raw ............. .... . ... ...... Hman hair tops, roving, and yarns, of which human hair is the ooapmonet material of ohief value ....................................... Press cloth, of which human hair is the om- ponent material of Chief value .............. Press cloth, of which canml's hair is the cnm- ponent material of chief al ............... Hair press cloth, not specially provided for ... Manufactures of human hair, or of whioh human hair is the ccmponent mterial f chtef value, not specially provided for: Nets and nettings ......................... Other ................................... Hair, curled, suitable for beds or mattreses ... Hair felt, made wholly or in chief value of anial hair, not specially provided for ....... Manufaotures of hair felt, not specially provided fr ... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... . Rate of Duty 37-1/2, ad ial. 25;a ad valU 1S ad vaL 2o% ad vl. 5 ad val. 3 prlb. and 12-V1/ ad val. 1$ per lb. and 3C ad val. 2( ad val., but not leas than L5 per lb. 305 ad val. 17-4/2 ad val. % ad wl1. 510 ad vl. sad·JL 125 C(i a vadl A1305 Taru Act c 1930,

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