Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/148

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A148 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. SCHEDULE I - OMMFUlEALTH OF AUSTRALIA Part II - Preferential Tariff NOM. Rates of duty appearing in Part II, against oh an asterisk in parenthesis - (*) -appears, are soheduled for the purpose of establishing the -m inm margin of preferene permissible in accord- anoe with sub-paragraph (a) of paragrph 3 of Article 1 of this Agreeent, and the inclusion of any such rate in Part II is not to be regarded as binding the preferential rate in respect of any product so schoeuled. Australian Tariff Itf 3 (A) (C) (D) (s) Description of Products Spirits, and spirituous liquors, n .e .i.:- BRsiay - (1) hen not oxoeeding the strength of proof per gallon (2) When exceeding the strength of proof per proof gallon Gin, distilled wholly frc barley malt, grain, Pape Wine or fruit, and certified in the pre- scribed fam by the ecmpetent Government official in the oountry of production to be gin distilled wholly frso barley malt, grain, grape wine or fruit - (1) Wan not exceeding the strength of proof per gallon (2) en exceoding the strength of proof per proof gallon Rm, pure, distilled wholly from sugar, sugar syrup, molasses, or the refuse of sugar cane, by a pot-etill or similar process at a strength not emceeding 45 per cent. over proof and certified in the presoribed form by tho omnpetent Govern- ment offioial in the oountry of production to be ur ru= distilled wholly frcn sugar, sugar ayrqp olaasee, or the refuse of sugar cane, under the onditions specified - (1) hn not esoeeding the atrength of proof per gallon (2) hamexceeding the strength of proof per proof gallon Blended Rm, distilled whlly from sugar, sugar syrup molasses or the refuse of sugar oane, oontalning not less than 25 per cent. of pure spirit whioh has been separately dintille fr sugar, ugar synrup molases, or the refuse of ugar oan by a pot-till or similar prooess at a strngth not eoeedg 45 per cent. over proof and oertiied in the preasribed fom by the ocm- petent G rrent official in the country of production to be run distilled wholly frao sugar, ar asph, molaseas,or the refuso of sugar oane rth oondition specified and so blended - (1) hen not exceeding the strength of proof (2) hen exceeding the strength of proof per proof gallon (*) See not. at bead of Part II. Rate of Duty 57s.6d.(*) 64.6d(*) 57s.6d.(*) 62a.6. (*) 62s.66(*) 263.6d .(*) 63s.6d(*) -