Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/185

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SCHEXDZ I - OMMaNWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA Part II (Continued) Australian Tariff Item Number (*) Bee note at head o Part II. A185 Desoription of Products Medicines:- Pharmaoeutioal Preparations; Patent and Pro- prietary Medicines and rugs, and other Medioin/J Preparations, excepting Insulin; Medioinal -x- traota other than Liver Extracts; Essenoes; Juioes; Infusions; Tinoturee; Sblutiona; Ell- aions; Confectiona; Syrups; Pills, Tablets, and the like; Capsules; Caohets; Supositoriee; Pessaries n.e.i .; Poiltioes; Salves; aerates; Oirntents; Liniments; Lotions; Pastes and the like; Yedioinal Waters not elsewhere speoified; Ccmpounded Medioinal Oils; Medioines for Anrmal- ad val With an additional duty if epirituous as fol- lows:- If containing not more than 20 per aant. of proof spirit per allon And for every additional 20 per oent. or fraction thereof of proof spirit per gallon Oittonella Oil, nn-spirituous (1) PTuery n e.i.; Petroleum jelly n.e .i . ad wvl. (2) Toilet preparations (perfrmed or not) n. ei. ad wal. With an additional duty if spirituous as folloso:- If oontaining not ore than 20 per oent. of proof spirit per gallon And for eery additional 20 per oent. or fraotion thereof of proof spirit per gallon Tlber, arz uxsed, nre.i., .i*»- Other - (1) In imes of 12 inhes x 6 inohe (or its equivalent) and over per 100 supr, feet (2) In sime of 7 inmohs x 2 inohes (or its equivalent) and upards, and less than 12 inohes x 6 inohe (or its equivalent) per 100 super. feet (3) In sai lesa tan 7 irmhes 2x inohee (or its equivalent) per 100 uper. feet St Te prodots parovded for ner It 291(H), the produd of NM Zealand, shall be mapt frm du. 285 (A) Ex 287 290(0) 291 (H) Rate of Duty 20 per oent. 5. 5a. 30 per oent. jO per oent. 5a. 35. 12,.(*) 12,.(,)