Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/212

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.RT I (continued)

BcqeLwu Tariff Item Number U3 148 oxU Description of Products Liquid or concentrated fruit juices, without added sugar: a. without aloohol (x) ........................... MNO: The products provided for under this Item, if packaged (in cor.t.incrs of 1200 Crammes or less, nat contents) shall be free from wine excise tax in the Netherlands, Liquid fruit juices, with added sugr, and syrups for bevcrages, without nlcohol (x) ................ NOME: Products providod for under this Itam nre, if contninin- 10 p.c. or moru added sugars, sub- ject to .n additional duty, which shall rot exceed the following ratos: if added sugar content is 10 p.c . or more, but not moro th-n 30 p.c.: 30 p.c . of the ratc of duty, applicable at the tine of their importation, to refined sugar; if added s.^r- content is mror thap 30 p.c . but not more than 50 p.c.: 50 p.c. of the rate of duty, applicable at the time of their importation, to refined; if added sugar content is moro than 50 p.c.: 100 p.c, of the rate of duty, applicable at the time of their importation, to refined suzar. Ctra.cts, essences and reparatianr with a b3c oeL coffoo: b. without added othylaloohol (x) ............. NOT: The complementary duty for ndded suears is not bound. Propared matare (x) .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .. r'eperotios for soupe and broths with a boais of vegetoble substancus; auces and estilar *ondluntas b. Sauces and siMilar condimantse 1. paokaged ................................... 2, othore ...................................... NOTE 1. )taha rate of Nethurlhar -nopoly duty or corroaponding Bolgian-L u ur charte bd.U be tho Nothorl. non poly duty or eorresponding Belicn-LorBbrbg charge for «hect or other coreals mltiplied by the reciprocal of the oeraction ratio of the flour content of the products ronidd for under this ate. OTS 2. The eooploa ntary duty for added mare is not bound. Rate of Duty 18 p.c. 18 p,c, 20 p..c 10 p.e. 25 p.e,

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