Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/243

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A244 INTEtRNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES 11 SrAr. SCHEDULE II - BELGIUM - LUXEMBURG - NETHERLa.NDS SECTION ' -KE TROPOLIT N TERRITORIES P'RT I (continued) BeNeLux Tariff Item Number 680 682 683 685 690 691 692 697 703 704 Description of Products Articles made of small glassware, whether or not combined with other materials, not elsewhere specified or included.................... Real pearls, including cultured pearls: a, unworked................... ... .... ... .... .. b. worked....................I. . .... .... .... ... Precious and semi-precious stones, natural or synthetic: a. unworked ................................... b, cut or otherwise worked, but not mounted...... c. rrticles not elsewhere specified or included...., Gold, unworked: in lumps, ingots, cast bars, powder, scrap, waste and ash............I .. .... ... . Wares of silver and silver gilt: a. Jewellery (joaillerie) and jewelled orna- ments (tijouterie). . ... .... ... .... ... .... ... . b. Silversmiths' wares............................ c. other wares not elsewhere specified or in- cluded.,,..... ......... .................. Wares of gold: a. Jewellery (Joaillerie) and jewelled orna- ments (bloiutcrie).... .... ... .... ... .... .. b. Goldsmiths' wares.............................. c. other wares not elsewhere specified or included. Wares of platinum: a. Jewellery (joaillerie), jewelled ornaments (h outerio), goldsmiths' wares.. ... ... .... ... .. Ferro-alloys, in an unworked state................. Sheet and plate of iron or steel, flat, unpro- cessed: a, merely forged or hot-rllled, not pickled: 1. not over 1.1 millimeters thick............ 2. others.................. ... .... ... .... Sheet and plate of iron or steel, flat, processed on the surface: c. Tin plate: 1. over 0.35 millimeters thick................ 2. with a thickness of 0.35 millimeters or less. (*) Subject to the right to assess R duty which shall not exceed 4 p.c . Rate of Duty 18 p.c, free free free free free free 15 p.e, 15 p.c, 15 p.o. 15 p.c. 15 p.o. 15 p.c. 15 p.e. free 4 p.c. 3 p.c. 4 p.c. free (*)