Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/246

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247 SCHEELZ_ II - BELGIUL - LUXEBURG - NETHERL'DS SECTION A - METROPOLIT.; TERRITORIES P'RT i (continued) BeNeLux Tariff Item Number 762 764 770 77% 782 784 790 800 802 803 804 805 806 Rate of Duty Description of Producte Unworked pieces of copper: a, cast, stamped or forged ....................... b. in sheets cut otherwise than at right-angles, without ;ther processing.................... c. in sheets simply pressed,... .... .... .... .... ... Cable, cordage and plaited bands, of copper wire, not insulated.............., ... .... ,.. .... . Nickel, unworked: ex a. Cast in ingots, plates, cakes, pellets..... b. Shavings, filings and other waste; old nickel scrap., ... .... ... .... ... .... ... ... ... tluminium, unworked: a. smelted in lumps, ingots, plates, wire bars,etc b. Shavings, filings and other waste; old alu- minium scrap. .. .... ... ... .... ... .... ... .... ... . Kitchen and other utensils for domestic use, of Iluminium, not elsewhere specified or included..., . Aluminium manufactures, not elsewhere specified or included: exd. Furniture and parts of furniture ........... Zinc, unworked: a. cast in lump pigs aplates pellets and dust.., b. Shavings,filih s ana other waste;old zinc scrap. tetals and alloys, not elsewhere specified or in-

luded, in an unworked state:

b. ntimony....................................... ex a. Tungsten............. ... ,.. ... .... ... ... .... Table knives, non-folding: l. in one piece, wholly of metal. whether or not finished.................... ............ b. others..... ......................... . ... nives, non-folding, kitchen, professional and other.e .................................... .. .... 'olding knives, pocket pruning-knive- vnd pocket- mnivers .. .. ....................................... Mlades for knives: a. unfinished,. .... ... .... ... ... .... ... .... ... lRaors and blades thereof: a. Safety razors and detached parts thereof........ b. Bladee for safety rasors, whether finished or not... ... ... ,. ...... ,...,.......... . .. ... £, other razors and blades t'erJsof, whether finis- hed or not...................................... 6 p.c. 6 p,c. 6 p.c. 10 p.c. free free free free 15 pe. 15 p.c. free free free free 18 p.e. 18 p.c, 12 p.e. 12 p.c, 6 p.c. 15 p.c. 15 p.c. 12 p,. c. l '% ': '; Nl!I;\I..'

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