Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/343

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N T.TAlIFFS ANI1 TAII' -()('T.3 , 1l!47 A345 SCHEDULE 1II - BRAZIL PfRT I (Continued) Brazilian Tariff item number 1583 /1 /6 /7 /8 /9 /10 /11 /12 /13 /14 /15 /16 Description of Products Apparatus: Electric sound amplifiers for musical instruments, radios, gramophones and the like .......................... L .K. Photographic or cameras, including verascopes: For negatives less than 13 x 18 cms. with or without lenses: Weighing up to 200 gr.......... L.K. Weighing over 200 up to 600 gr. L .K . Weighing over 600 gr. up to 1 Kilo. ...................... L.K. Weighing over 1 Kilo. ........... L.K. Box type, also known as Brownie, with ordinary Meniscus lens with fixed aperture ................ L.K. For negatives from 13 x 18 oms.with or without lenses ............. L.K. For negatives of cinematograph films, with or without lenses: For films up to 16 mm. width...... L.K. Ditto over 16 mm width ........... L .K. For reproduction or enlarging..... L.K. Gasogens: Briet'a and the like ............. L.K. n.s.m. . .... .... .... .... .... .... .. L.K. Rate of duty 10.36 37.80 35.00 30.80 28.00 18.20 35.00 42.00 35.00 14.00 5.18 2.66