Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/391

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i;1 S-r .v .] (;ENERAI A(l I:EI-:E EN'IT ()N TARIFFS ANID TRAI)E- OCT. 30, 1947 A393 SCHEULE V - CANADA Part I - (Cont 'd) Caoadian Tariff Ite Number 48 58 53 55 56 58 61 62 63 64 66 66 6a 69 69b Description of Products Peas, n.o.p .... ... .... ... .... ... ... .... ... .... . per poun Barley, n.o.p .. .... ... ... .... ... .... ... .... ... per bush* Corm al ................................... per barre Indian oorn (maize) ............................ per bushe Oats ...... ... .. , ................. per bushe: Re ... ... .... ... ... ... .. ... .. . ................. per bushe: Wheat flour and semolina ....................... per barrel Rioe, unoleaned, unhulled or paddy ....................... Rioe, oleaned ...................... per one hundred poundi When in packages weighing two pounds, each, or less, the weight of suoh packages to be included in the weight for duty. Sago and tapioca ......................................... Bisouits, not sweetened ................................. Diabetic breads and biscuits, under regulations prescribed by the Department of National Health and elfare ....... Biscuits, sweetened ..................................... Biasuits, sweetened or unsweetened, Talued at not less than 20 cents per pound, said value to be based on the net weight and to include the value of the usual retail paokage ............................ ......... . ..... Str .. . ... .... ... .... ... .... . ... .... ... .... ... per ton Hay .............................................. ,per ton Rate of Daty cat. f* Cte. 50 ots. 8 cts. 4 ete. 6 ate. 50 ets. 50 ote, free 70 ata. l p.c, 20 p.o. 50 ate. $1.25