Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/399

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6i1 S1..I l ;INEIAL Al ll[\(; E:NT ()N TAlt FFS AND TRAI)F-E ()("T. 3l 1947 A4(1 SCEDULE V - CANADA Part I - (Cont'd) Canadian Tariff Item Number 97 98 99a 99b 990 Description of Products Provided, that, as regards such of those fresh fruits and vegetables dutiable under tariff items 84, 85, 87, 92 94 and 95, as are marked with an asterisk in this Schedule, the speoific duty set opposite thereto shall not be maintained in force in any twelve months ending March 31 for a period in excess of the number of weeks set forth thereunder; and Provided, that, as regards fresh fruits and vegetables dutiable under sub-items (b), (d), (e), (f), (g) and (i), of tariff item 87, the number of weeks during which the specific duty may be maintained in force may be divided into two separate periods, the combined duration of which shall not exoeed the number of weeks set forth thereunder and Provided further, as regards such of those fresh fruits and vegetables dutiable under the aforesaid tariff items as are marked with an asterisk, that whenever the specifi duty is not levied, the ad valorem duty of 10 per centum ahall apply. Plantaine, pineapples, pamegranates, guavas and mangoes . Bananas ............................... per stem or bunch Plus and prunes, dried, unpitted ....................... fruits, dried, desiccated, evaporated or dehydrated, n.o.p. .. .... ... ... .... ... .... ... .... ... ... .... ... .... (i) Raisina .. .... ... ..................... per pound Whln in packages weighing two pounds each, or less, the weight of such packages to be included in the weight for duty. (ii) Iried ourrants ............................ per pouen hen in paokagas weighing two pounds eaoh, o less, the weight o such packages to be inoluded in the weight for duty. Rate of Duty free 50 ots. free 10 p.o. 5 stS. 4 eta.