Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/408

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A410 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. SCHEDLE V - CANAfD Part I - (Cont'd) Canadian Tariff Item Number ex 169 ex 184a ex 184b ex 184c ex 1d 170 171 ex 172 ex 172 178 Rate of Duty Description of products periodical publications, unbound or paper bound, printed and issued at regular intervals, not less frequently than four times a year, and bearing dates of issue ..... Books, periodicals and pamphlets, or parts thereof, winted, bound, unbound, or in sheets (not to incluif blank account books, copy books, or books to be iritin or dram upon) in any other than the nglish langug ... Boks, printed, periodicals and pamphlets, or parts thertof, n.o .p ., not to include blank account books, copy books, or books to be written or drawn upon ........ Tourist literature issued by national or state governnts or departments thereof, boards of trade, chambers of co- moere, municipal and automobile associations, and similar organizations ........................................ Prayer books, missals, psalters, religious pictures and mottoes .................................... ........... idrertising and printed matt r, Tiz.:- Advertising pam- phlets, advertising show cards, illustrated advertising periodicals; price books, catalogues and price lists; advertising almanas and calendars; patent medicine or other advertising circulars, fly sheets or pamphlets; advertising chromos, chromotypes, oleographs or like work produced by any process other than hand painting or drawing, and having any advertisement or advertising matter printed, lithographed or stamped thereon, or at- tached thereto, including advertising bills, folders and posters, or other similar artistic work, lithographed, printed or Stamped on paper or cardboard for business or advertisement purposes, n.o.p.;- (ii) N.o.p. ... ... .... ... ... .... ... .... ... . per pound but not less than ex (ii) Advertising and printed matter, whether Ja- poried by mail or otherwise, when in individual paceages valued at not more than $1.00 each and wheo not imported for sale or in a manner de- signed to evade payment of custome duties ....... --- Free 10 p.e. Free rr" 10 ets. S p.o. Free