Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/413

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Canadiar Tariff Ite Number 208e 208h 208J 2081 208n 206n 206q 208r 208e

  • X 208t

Description of Products Rate of Duty Cresylic acid and compounds of cresylic acid, used in the process of concentrating ores, metals or minerals, n.o.p. 15 p.c. Ethylene glycol, when imported by manufacturers for use exclusively in the manufacture of anti-freesing compounds or of explosives, in their own factories ................ Free (i) Nitrate of ammonia, when imported for use in the manu- facture of nitrous oxide ............................. 10 p.. (ii) Nitrate of ammonia, n.o .p . ... .... .... .... .... .... .... ... 25 p.. (ili) S ol ai oniac ....................................... p.. Biohlorids of tin and tin crystals . ...................... 10 .o. Sulphate of oopper (blue vitriol) ........................ 10 p.o. Sulphate of iron (copperas) .......................... ... 10 .c. Cream of tartar in crystals and tartaric acid crystals .. 10 p.o. Oxalic acid ............................................. 10 p.o. Oxide of tin of copper ................................. p.c. Sulp4ate of zinc and chloride of sinc .................... 0 p.O. All chemicals and drugs, n.o.p. , of a kind not produoed in Canada ............................................... .. Bicarbonate of soda .................................... .. e p.. Butyl alcohol, n.o .p . ................................. ..... p.o . ti1 SI'AI.] (EN;IE:AI:AL.( I AI P I .\IEEMKI<n TA 'AIn I; N ,,-,, ,, , ., .. ,_.- ... I .......... ..- . ...... ,^. II r .A llI. - ()tI 114, A41 5 A4 15 SCHEDTLE V - CANADA Part I - (Cont'd)