Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/545

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SCHEDUo I - OCU Part I (continued) Cuban Tariff Item Nutrer Rate of duty Description of Products tROUP4. OILS, PATS, WAXAND THEIR DERIVATIVES. Animal oils and fats and their derivatives: Cod-liver oil and others of medicinal use, when in containers of more than 5 kgs., and not constituting a pharma- ceutical specialty. Other crude animal oils and fats, in- oluding neats-foot oil and crude tallow. Oleo stearine, that is, the solid part obtained by pressure from animal fat ex- oept bog fat, with a Wninir, fusion point of 47° Centigrade, and not containing more than 2% of free fatty acids. Perfumery and essanoes: Natural essential oils and ethers. Bucalyptus oil. Synthetic or artificial. Easences, extracts, and similar conoentrat- ed flavoring materials, both natural and synthetic, including mixtures thereof, in any form exoept those containing sugar, when imported for preparing soft drinkl and non-alcoholic beverages. CROUP 5. TIL, SIZR AR, ,XPLOSIVzS AMDOTHIES. Starches, dextrins and gluooees: Staroh of yuooa. Other starches and other industrial feoulas not specifically olassified. Dextrin for industrial uses. A551 1.60 per 100 Kgs. 0.20 per 100 Kgs, 2.40 per 100 Kgs. not negotiated 0.05 per Kg. oat negotiated not nMotiatod not negotiated not negotiated not negotiated 102 102-A 102-C 102-E 106 106-E 106-P 106-G 106-H 108 loe 106-A 106-C 108-0