Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/582

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. SCHEDULE IX - CUBA PART II (ocatinued) Cuban Tariff Item Description of Products Rate of duty Number Wire gauze: Up to 99 threads in an area 23 millimeters square. Of 100 threads er more in an area 23 millimeters square. Pipe, fire plates, pieoes used in boiler- making, partly worked, and bearings: Pipu and fire plates (plates for 'hogares"). Pieoes used in boiler-making, partly worked. Bearings. Articles not speoifioally classified: Polished, varnished or nickeled. Without polishing, varnishing or niokeling. Articlos destined exclusively to hygienio and sanitary uses. GROUP 5. - OT;ER ORDINARY s3TALSAID THEIR ALLOYS. Nickel, aluminium and their alloys: In lumps or ingots. In bars, plates and wire. In Powder. In pipe. Aluminium hammered into fine leaves 0.1625 per Kg. 0.35 per Kg. 4.48 per 100 Kgs. not negotiated. 10.50 per 100 Kgs. 0.30 per Kg. 0.12 per Kg. 0.20 per Kg. not negotiated 3.25 per 100 Kgs. 1.625 per 100 Kgs. not negotiated 6.00 per 100 Kgs. A588 65 65-A 65-B 66 66-A 66-0 69 69-A 69-B 69-c 72 72-A 72-C 72-D 72-E