Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/622

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. PART II (continued) Cuban Tariff Item llmtw- Desoription of Products Flour, meal and semolina Wheat flour. Of corn. Of oats, including- oats prepared for food (rolled oats). Of other cereals. Wheat seolina. Corn flakes. Other ready-to-eat cereals. GXToP 3. - VWBLEAB=1S AND RMOITS. Beans and lentils: Red and pink beans. White, and those coanly known as white navy beans. Other beans and lentils. Peas and chiok-peas (garbenaos): Peas. Onions and garlioc Onions imported from Noveber 15th to May 31t, inclusive, of each yer. Onions imported from June lot to November 14th, inclusive, of each year. Potatoes and other fresh vegetables and garden trucke Potatoes not speoifically olassified, imported from Nov. lot to June 30th, incl., of each year. A628 Rate of duty 0.63 per 100 Xgs. 3.64 per 100 Xgs. 1.30 per 100 Kga. not negotiated 2.10 per 100 Kga. 3.64 per 100 Kgs. 1.30 per 100 Kgs. 3.75 per 100 Kgsa. 2.00 per 100 Kga. 3.00 per 100 Kgs. 1.00 per 100 gs. 4.00 per 100 Kga. 1.50 per 100 Kgs. 4.00 per 100 Kga. 256 256-A 256-C 256-D 256-B 256-F 256-& 256-H 257 257-B 257-C 257-E 258 258-A 259 259-A 259-B 260 260-B