Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/666

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61 STAT.] GENERAL AGREEMENT ON TARIFFS AND TRADE-OCT. 30, 1947 A67 3 SCHEaULE X - CZECH0SLOVAKIA PABT I (Continued) Czechoslovak Tariff Item Number Description of products other articles of asbestos, so far as they do not classify under 409 c), also combined with other materials (except caoutchouc) ........... Millstones, also with iron hoops or metal casing; lithographic stonest millstones, also with iron hoops or metal casing .................................... Natural grindstones and whetatonese not combined with other materials ............. Artificial grindstones and whetstones, also combined with wood, iron or other base metalst of emery, silicon carbide or other similar hard materials ....................... Abrasive paper ................................ Abrasive cloth, abrasive ribbons, and similar abrasive materials .............................. ';ares of stone combined with other materials so far as such a combination is not accounted for under other numbers of this Classi with common materialsl wares of mica or micanite .................. XXXVIII, IRON AND IRON WAEsB. Ir on and semimanufao t ured produ ts of iron Pig iron; iron and steel, old broken, and waste, for melting and refiningl pig iron .......... ......... .... ... ·..... ferro manganese, ferro-silicon (50 to 90% 8i), ferro-chrome, ferro-nickel, forro-tungsten, ferro-molybdenum, ferro-ranadium, ferro- sluminium (16) ................................ Rate of duty Kis per 100 kilograms: 1600.- 10, - 14. - 370.- 400. - 500. - 900. - 1U.- free e) ex 402 ex 403 a) ex 404 a) 406 407 ex 409 ex a) ex 428 a) c) .-