Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/73

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAr. substantially equivalent concessions initially negotiated with the contracting party taking such action. (b) If agreement between the contracting parties primarily concerned is reached but any other contracting party determined under paragraph 1 of this Article to have a substantial interest is not satisfied, such other contracting party shall be free, not later than six months after action under such agreement is taken, to withdraw, upon the expiration of thirty days from the day on which written notice of such withdrawal is received by the CONTRACTING PARTIES, substantially equivalent concessions initially negotiated with a contracting party taking action under such agreement. Article XXIX Relation of this Agreement to the Charter for an International Trade Organization 1. The contracting parties, recognizing that the objectives set forth in the preamble of this Agreement can best be attained through the adoption, by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment, of a Charter leading to the creation of an International Trade Organisation, undertake, pending their acceptance of such a Charter in accordance with their constitu- tional procedures, to observe to the fullest extent of their executive authority the general principles of the Draft Charter submitted to the Conference by the Preparatory Committee. 2. (a) On the day on which the Charter of the International Trade Organization enters into force, Article I and Part II of this Agreement shall be suspended and superseded by the corresponding provisions of the Charter; Provided that within sixty days of the closing of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment any contracting party may lodge with the other contracting parties an objection to any provision or A72