Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/880

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A888 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAr. sarA ZI - RUcon PART I (Contina) Frenoh Tariff Item No. 1766R 1767A 1767B 1767C 1768k 1768B 17680 176w8 1769B Deasription f Aroduaot other ............... .... ·... ... · .... .... eAoLeorias, parts ad oomponents of ignition apparatual ignition and heating sparking plugs and other, parta and oomponentbs.................,. . contaot breakers and parti ................. other .. ·............................. laeotrioal equipment for moto-fehioletl cycles, motor-boata, airoraft, ato lighting apparatus (searchlights, headlights, side-lights, riding-lights, etc) .... .... .. eignalling apparatuGs hooter. and partse ..................... other (direction, atop or orertaking indioatore, intermittent indicators, signal repeaters, eto.) ooponents and parts e..... ·... .... · ·.

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.. ...... itahboarde.................... .... .... .. other apparatus (windaoreen..ipera , anti- moiturw winacreen devioe., rim. pwrnters, petrol pupl , eto.) par-t ad oxponent , leotrioal apparatus net eIwhre specified or Inaludd, other ............................ Rate of Duty ad valoiei 250 25% 20% 20% 20% 1% Duty of oontrol or distributing boards, eto. (No. 17ie) 19%