Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/970

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A9 78 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. Smfo.Aw XrTi - Wy L^rIff. Preferential Tariff New Zeala Tariff Ite -- -»ber 5 12 15 16 22 55 56 Description of Products Grain and pulse, ground or mamnufatured, ri.:- (1) Barley flour, prepared........... I Per osnt (6) Oats, or oats in admixture with other grain.................... .. .... ... .. Per 11 Note. Oatmeal and rolled oats, the produoe of Australia, shall be exempt from customs duty in excess of 2s. d. per oental. (10) Ne.i .. .... ... ... .... ... .... ... . Per cents Aerated waters, and beveraes, n.e .i. .... ... .... ... . Cocoa-bean, ra .................................. Cocoa and chocolate, viz.:- (1) Cocoa; also ooooa-beans roasted or crushed . ... ... .... ... ... . ............ rlb Citrus-fruit pulps (including fruit-Juices aontainin such percentage of citrus-fruit pulp as may be determined by the Minister) sweetened or unsweetened, in bulk or otherwise ............... Fish, vi. : - (5) Fish, potted, and preserved, n.e.i., including any liquor, oil, or sauce..Per lb Note. The products provided for under Tariff Item 35(3), the produce of Australia, shall be exempt from duty. ftruits, dried - viz.:- (2) Raisin ... ... ... .... ... ... .... ... .... .. Note. Raisins, dried, the produce of the Union of South Africa, shall be exempt from duty. (4) N.e.i... ... .... ... ... .... ... .... ... .... ... Note. Fruits, dried, n.e.i., the produce of the Union of South Africa, shall be exempt from duty. Rate of Duty 2s.6d. id. 2s.6d. Free Sd. (1) 10 (1) (4) lid. (1) __ __