Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/972

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A9 80 INIIERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTIIER THAN TREATIES [1i SiA. SaIEDULE XL - Ni w Z3W.A1-D . PART II (continued) New Zealand Tariff Iter Number Ex 105 115 115 154 156 Description of Products Drugs and chemicals, viz.:- Strychnine, and salts of strychnine ............. Essonces, culinary or flavouring, n.e .i.. ... .... ... . Essential oils .................................... Surgeons', physicians', dentists', and opticians' appliances, instruments and materials, viz.: - (1) Appliances (including splints) for wear, even if medicated, peculiarly adapted to correct a deformity of the human body, to afford support to an abnormal condition of the human body, or to reduce or alleviate such condition, or to substitute any part of such body; stump socks; crutches; ear trumpets; ear tubes, and audiphones, for the partially deaf ........................ Apparel, clothing, and hosiery, viz.: - (5) Braces, suspendei-s, garters, belts, and similar articles.......................... (5) Neckties ................................ (6) Men's and boys' overcoats n.e.i ., suits, coats, trousers, waistcoats, and similar articles ................................ Ex (7) N.e.i ., viz.:- Womnen's and girls' outer garments of woven fabrics ........................... Note. The products providd for under T'-ii'f Itro 156 (5),(5),(6) and Ex (7), the produce of Australia, shall be exeIpt from customs duty in excess of 40 per centum ad valoreui. The products provided for under Tariff Iteu 156 (5) and (5), the produce of Cnnada, shall bc exempt from cuetoms duty in excesa of 40 ;er centum ad valorem. The products provided for under Tariff Item 156 (6) and Ex (7), the produce of Canada, shall be exempt from customs duty in excess of 45 per centum ad valoren. Rate of Duty Free (5) 2c% (1) Free (5) Free 20z 20% 25% 25&4 (1)