Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/974

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A982 New Zealand Tariff Item Number Description of Products Haberdashery ne.i .... ... ... .... ... .... ... .... ... ... . Hairpins, hatpins, safety pins, and toilet pins ..... Lace, and laces, n.e .i . . ...................... .... . Bx (1) Textile piece-goods, woven,of ute, whether plain, hebaed, whipped, or similarly rked .. Textile piece-goods - viz., dress nets, curtain nets, embroidery nets, and similar nets, lace curtain material, and veilings, all kinds; also fabrios of & like kind as ay be determined by the Minister.. Union textile n.e .i ., in the piece, the current domestic vluas of which does not exceed that specified by the Mnister, when out up and made into shirts, pyjamas, or underclothing, under such conditions and regulations as the Minister ay prescribe ........................................ Tarn - vi., Jute ................................. Tarn n.e .i ., via.:- Sisal and raffia ................................ (2) Slippers n.e .i... .... ... ... .... ... .... ... .... ... Iate. Slippers ne.i. , the produce of Australia, shall be exempt from customs duty in excess of 35 per centum ad valorem. Note. Slippers n.e.i., the produce of Canada, shall be exempt from customs duty in excesa of 50 per centum ad valorem. (S) Boots, shoes, clogs, pattens, shoettes, sandals, and other footwear, n.e .i .... ... .... ... . Per pair Note. The products provided for under or Tariff Item 196(5), the produce of Australia, shall be exempt from customs duty in excess of 35 per oentum ad valorem or 4s. per pair, whichever rate returns the higher duty. Iote. The products provided for under Tariff Item 196(5), the produce of Canada, shall be exempt from customs duty in excess of 50 per centux ad valorem or a3.8d . per pair, hicheber rate returns the h1bher duty. INTERNATIONAL AGREEMIENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STATr. SmCU mxIi - NU DMSAA. PART I (continued) - - 161 163 Ex 168 180 182 187 Bx 191 Ex 193 196 Rate of Duty 2cs (1) lf (1) 1 (1) Free (5) Free (5) Free (4) 25% (1) an. (1) whichever rate returns the higher duty