Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/994

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A 1004 Indian Oustoms Tariff ltea No. Rate of Duty 30 per cent ad val 15 per oent ad val 24 per cent ad val 20 per cent ad val 20 per cet ad val Description of Products Tung oil.............................. .. .... .. Neatafoot oil.................................. Oanned or bottled bacon, ham and lard ......... Sardines and pilohards, canned. ................ Pish, canned, other than oanned sardines and plobhards.............. .. ... ... .... ... .... .. Juioesa either individually or in mixture, of the following fruits, namelj Alprioots, Berries, Grapes, Pineapple, Plum and Prunes ............. Note: The products provided for under the above item shall be exempt frem ordinary most-favoured- nation Customs duties afonh exceed the preferen- tial rate in the case of muob products of British Colonial origin, by more than 6 per oent ad val. Canmne fruits the following, namely; Aprieots, Berriee, Grapes, Plume and PrunI , and fruit salads oonpoled not leass than 80W,in quantity and in value of the abovo-named fruits............. Note: The produots provided for under the above si aBhall be exempt fru ordinary most-favoured- nation Customs dutiea uwhih exceed the preferen- tial rat in the oaae of uoh produots of British Colonial origin, by more than 6 per cent ad val. Pineapple, - n ned............................................. te The producta provid for under the above Ite *hall be exempt frcm dinary most-favourd- nation Cbttc duties Vtiob aexed the preferen- tial rate in the oase of suoh prouots of British Colonial origin, y more than 8 per oent ad val. Asparagus, canned.................. .. .... . Vegetables, eanned, all asots, other than toma- u pe oelW usM al& 21 per oent ad wl mA, .... .. .... ..... ... _ . ..... ..A x 15(6) Bx 15(8) t6 ax 16(1) Bx 16(1) E 20(t) a 20(2) X 20(2) 1x20(2) INTEIRNATIONAL A(IREEMIENTS ()THER THAN TREATIES [1f STAT. SCHEDUILE XV- PAKMB TAN (Contnued) 1o00. wotatoeQ. Wni .n. - e u.14li-

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