Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 6.djvu/493

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61 STAT.] GENERAL AGREEMENT ON TARIFFS AND TRADE-OCT. 30 ,1947 A1859 LISTE XI-A - m'ICE Premiere Partio (suite) Polition du tarif de 1 Franoe Taux dei droit. D6eignation dee produitl Confituwom goel6o, maraoldom, ooapafot, euitol, pu- ri6o ot pttol do fruit. uor6o ................... Jut do fruits, do baoe oau do l1gunos, oonaontor ou non I - ar mtoro, pr6oonti t - - on bottoe, boutoillo., fleasn, oruohoaa ot oonto- nentl analoguol, d'uno oortonano do 1 litro ot oin .......................................... - .- Sut Ot. -* - no oonoontr6h a - - - - jug de oitron at d4tpino-vnotto ............ - - -

  • jws do raisin, do toato ot dtorango .......

- -- - ua do paso ot do poiro ................... -. - - jJu d4aubrol fruits, baio oau16gumo , osa

  • al6 ......................................

-- oonoontrdi t - - - j do raisin, do toato at diorango ....... - - - ju do poe o ot do poiro ... ............... - -- - - .. ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... ..... - suor6s, oontonant par litro s - - 160 g ot oia, do mrro, prd6ont60 , - - - on bottos, mbutoilloi, flaoons, oruohoos ot conto nantb analoguol, d'uno oontonanoo do 1 litro at ooine ........................................ -- lueroIeo ·· · ·--...-.......... ·.. .. - -. ... ..·.. - - plu do 150 do ruero (irops), pr61ontdh t - - on bottom, boutoillol, flooono, oruohons ot oonto noaet analoguno, duno oontonanoo do 1 litro ot aoine .................................... -- - autro ont ...................................... Chicordo torr6fi6 ot autro ruooe6dan torr6fi6 du oaf6, no contonant pae do eae6, on moroo·ux, on grains ounIulus .. ... ... .... ... .... ... .... ... ... .... ... .... Moutardo prpar6o, pr6eonto t - on flaoonl, pote, vorroe, bottom at autros r6olplonts analogues ...................................... - autronont (on ft., on ouvoa, oto. ) ... .......... 30% 18% 10% 18 10e % 16% 20% 16 fi 10% 1O% to so9 a% 25n% 10% 12% 10% 194 196 A 196 a 197 200