Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/1072

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1042 Restriction. Transfer of funds. 60 Stat. 487, 491, 492. PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 658-JUNE 25, 1948 [62 STAT. comprising the Valparaiso golf course at Valparaiso near Eglin Field, Florida: Provided, That no appropriated funds shall be used for the acquiring, maintenance, or upkeep of the golf course now on said lands or for the maintenance of any recreational activities placed thereon. DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY-NAVAL ESTABLISHMENT BUREAU OF SUPPLIES AND ACCOUNTS Pay and Subsistence of Naval Personnel Pay and subsistence of naval personnel: There are hereby trans- ferred to the appropriation for "Pay and subsistence of naval per- sonnel" in the Navy Department Appropriation Act, 1947, sums from appropriations for the Navy Department and the Naval Establishment for the fiscal year 1947, as follows: "Transportation and recruiting of naval personnel", $25,000,000; "Pay, Marine Corps", $17,000,000; "General expenses, Marine Corps", $17,500,000. BUREAU OF YARDS AND DOCKS PUBLIC WORKS Public Works: For construction, installation, and equipment of temporary or permanent public works, including public utilities and appurtenances, and necessary lands and interests therein, as author- Aae, p. 459. ized by the Act of June 16, 1948 (Public Law 653), including group IV (b) personnel in the Bureau of Yards and Docks and other per- sonal services necessary for the purposes of this appropriation; engineering and architectural services as authorized by section 3 of 53 Stat. 591. the Act of April 25, 1939 (34 U. S . C . 556); travel, and other necessary expenses; to remain available until expended, $51,337,200; and in addition, the Secretary of the Navy is authorized to enter into con- tracts for the purposes of this appropriation in an amount not exceed- ioytlmuitateion on ing $50,000,000: Provided, That this appropriation shall not be used for construction of family quarters for personnel at a cost per family unit in excess of $14,040, except that when such units are constructed outside the continental United States the average cost per unit of all ontractor'see. such units constructed shall not exceed $25,850: Provided further, That the fixed fee to be paid the contractor as a result of any con- struction contract entered into under this appropriation shall not exceed 4 per centum of the estimated cost of the construction con- tract, exclusive of the fee, as determined by the Secretary of the Navy: tborizedprojects.O Provided further, That the Secretary of the Navy is authorized to commence, continue, or complete the construction of, or make provision for, by contract or otherwise, only the following-named public works and public utilities projects, as authorized by law, and the amounts allocated to each such project from the appropriation and contract authorization herein shall not exceed the amount specified for each Ante, P. 4. project enumerated, respectively; CONTINENTAL UNITED STATES Naval Air Station, Alameda, California: Test cells for turbine engines, $230,000; Marine Training and Replacement Command, Camp Joseph H. Pendleton, Oceanside, California: Acquisition of land, five hun- dred and seventy-five acres, $46,500; fa aI