Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/1086

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 685 -JUNE 28,1948 Ante, p. 153. Transportation ratesof relief packages. Limitation on cer- tain investment guar- anties. Ante, p. 144. Joint Committee on Foreign Economic Cooperation. Ante, pp. 157, 213, 1027. Ante, p. 157. 61 Stat. 103. 22 U.. C., Supp. I, §§ 1401-1408 . Ante, p. 157. 61 Stat. 613 . Applicability of lim- Itations. 61 Stat. 104. 22U. S . C., Supp. I, t 1402 (a). Ante, p. 158 . 60 Stat. 843. Ante, p. 1008. 60 Stat. 903. 31U...j3. Ante, p. 159. That pursuant to section 117 (c) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1948, the Administrator shall fix and pay a uniform rate per pound for the ocean transportation of all relief packages of food or other general classification of commodities shipped to any participating foreign country, regardless of methods of shipment and higher rates charged by particular agencies of transportation, but this proviso shall not apply to shipments made by individuals to individuals: Providedfur- ther, That guaranties of investments in enterprises producing or dis- tributing informational media provided for under section 111 (b) (3) of the Economic Cooperation Act of 1948, or otherwise, shall not exceed $10,000,000 in the first year: Provided further, That there shall be included within the local currency administrative expendi- tures of the United States such sums as may be necessary to meet expenditures of members and staff of the Joint Committee on Foreign Economic Cooperation in the course of performance of committee functions within respective participating countries. INTERNATIONAL CHILDREN'S EMERGENCY FUND To enable the President during the fiscal year 1949 to carry out the provisions of the International Children's Emergency Fund Assistance Act of 1948 (title II of Public Law 472, approved April 3, 1948), $35,000,000. ASSISTANCE TO GREECE AND TURKEY For an additional amount for "Assistance to Greece and Turkey", as authorized by the Act of May 22,1947 (Public Law 75) as amended and supplemented by the Greek-Turkish Assistance Act of 1948 (title III of Public Law 472, approved April 3, 1948), $225,000,000, which, together with the amount heretofore appropriated under this head, shall remain available until June 30, 1949; and the limitation under this head in the Supplemental Appropriation Act, 1948, on the amount available for administrative expenses, is increased from $4,500,000" to "$4,900,000", and the limitation under said head on the amount avail- able for such expenses in the District of Columbia is increased from "$300,000" to "$400,000": Provided, That said limitations shall apply only to the administrative expenses of the Department of State: Pro- 'ided further, That any funds heretofore or hereafter allocated under authority contained in section 2 (a) of the Act of May 22, 1947 (Public Law 75), as amended, shall be available for obligation and expenditure in accordance with the laws governing obligations and expenditures of the department, agency, or independent establishment to which allo- cated, but this proviso shall not operate to increase the limitation heretofore provided for administrative expenses. ASSISTANCE TO CHINA For expenses necessary to carry out the provisions of the China Aid Act of 1948 (title IV of Public Law 472, approved April 3, 1948), until April 2, 1949, including expenses of attendance at meetings concerned with the purposes of this appropriation; purchase and hire of pas- senger motor vehicles; purchase, maintenance, and operation of air- craft; payment of claims pursuant to section 403 of the Federal Tort Claims Act (28 U. S . C . 921); health service program as authorized by law (5 U. S . C. 150); transportation of privately owned automobiles; entertainment (not to exceed $3,000); exchange of funds without regard to section 3651 of the Revised Statutes; and loss by exchange; $400,000,000, of which not to exceed $1,200,000 shall be available for administrative expenses and of which $125,000,000 shall be available exclusively as provided in subsection 404 (b) of said Act. 1056 [62 STAT.