Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/1106

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 706-JUNE 29, 1948 37 Stat. 560. 48 U. S. C. 11301. Ante, p. 991. Receipt for transfer of net assets. Poet, p. 1079. Increase in amount of receipt. the Panama Canal and Canal Zone; to preserve the authority vested in the President by the Panama Canal Act of August 24, 1912; to govern and operate the Panama Canal and govern the Canal Zone, or cause them to be governed and operated, through a Governor of the Panama Canal and such other persons as he may deem competent to discharge the various duties connected with the care, maintenance, sanitation, operation, government, and protection of the Canal and Canal Zone. Also it is the policy of this Act that the operations in the Canal Zone shall continue to be coordinated, through the President, in order that the responsibility for and authority over this important utility shall not be divided. REINCORPORATION OF THE PANAMA RAILROAD COMPANY SEC. 2 . Chapter 12 of title 2 of the Canal Zone Code, approved June 19, 1934 (48 Stat. 1122), is amended by adding at the end of said chapter a new article numbered 3, embracing new sections 245 to 256 of said title 2, and reading as follows: "ARTICLE 3-PANAMA RAILROAD COMPANY ACT "245. CREATION, PURPOSE, OFFICES, AND RESIDENCE OF PANAMA RAILROAD COMPANY. -For the purpose of conducting business opera- tions incident to the care, maintenance sanitation, operation, improve- ment, government, and protection of the Panama Canal and the Canal Zone, there is hereby created, as an agency and instrumentality of the United States, and as an adjunct of the Panama Canal, a body corpo- rate to be known as the Panama Railroad Company, hereinafter referred to as the 'corporation'. The principal offices of the corpora- tion shall be in the city of New York, New York, and in the Canal Zone, but the corporation may establish agencies or branch offices in such other place or places as it may deem necessary or appropriate in the conduct of its business. Within the meaning of the laws of the United States relating to venue in civil actions, the corporation shall be deemed to be an inhabitant and resident both of the southern judicial district of New York and of the Canal Zone. "246. INVESTMENT OF TIE UNITED STATES.- (a) As of the beginning of business July 1, 1948, the corporation shall issue to the United States, and deliver to the Secretary of the Treasury, a receipt for $1 acknowledging the transfer to the corporation, under the provisions of section 251 of this title, of the net assets of the Panama Railroad Company, hereinafter referred to as the 'New York company', a cor- poration created by an act of the Legislature of the State of New York passed on April 7, 1849, as amended by an act of that legislature passed on April 12, 1855, and which is wholly owned by the United States, and such receipt shall be evidence of the ownership of the corporation by the United States of America. In its capacity as owner of the cor- poration, the United States shall be represented by the President of the United States or such officer of the United States as may be desig- nated by him, hereinafter referred to as the 'stockholder'. "(b) The amount of the receipt (referred to in paragraph (a) above) shall be increased by subsequent additional direct investments of the United States in excess of repayments to the Treasury and extraordinary expenditures and losses applicable as offsets to such investments under the provisions of paragraph (d) of this section, due to (1) funds advanced to the corporation from the Treasury within such appropriations by the Congress as may from time to time be made to meet increased capital needs, and (2) transfers to the corporation from other Government agencies (or, conversely, decreased by trans- fers from the corporation to other Government agencies), pursuant to 1076 [62 STAT.