Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/1120

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 708-JUNE 29, 1948 Reserve transferred thereto after completion of sixteen or more years of active naval service; (10) the Limited Service Marine Corps Reserve; (11) the Naval Militia who have conformed to the standards prescribed by the Secretary of the Navy; and (12) the National Naval Volunteers; (13) the Air National Guard; (15) the Air Force of the United States without component; and (16) the Coast Guard Reserve. s"Active Federal (d) The term "active Federal service" shall include all periods of annual training duty and all prescribed periods of attendance at such service schools as have been, or may be designated as such by the Secretary of the Army, the Secretary of the Navy, and the Secretary of the Air Force for their respective services, or by law, or any other period of time when ordered to active duty under competent Federal orders. (e) With respect to personnel of the Army or the Air Force, service in the inactive National Guard or Air National Guard, in a non- federally recognized status in the National Guard or Air National Guard, or in an inactive Reserve section of the Officers' Reserve Corps or an inactive officers' section of the Air Force Reserve shall not be deemed to be Federal service. (f) Subject to the provisions of subsection (d) hereof, service on the Honorary Retired List of the Naval and Marine Corps Reserves shall not be deemed to be Federal service. ules and reg ula- SEC. 307. The Secretary of the Army with respect to personnel of the Army, the Secretary of the Navy with respect to the personnel of the Navy and Marine Corps, and the Secretary of the Air Force with respect to personnel of the Air Force, are authorized to prescribe such rules, regulations, and procedures as they may deem necessary to effectuate the provisions of this title. Transer to Inactive SEC. 308. Any person who has not attained the age of sixty years but is eligible in all other respects to receive retired pay under the provisions of this title may, at his own request, and by the direction of the Secretary of the cognizant service, be transferred to such inactive status list as has been, or may be established by law or regulation for the reserve components of the Army of the United States Navy, Air Force of the United States, or Marine Corps. After the efective date of such transfer he shall not be required to participate in any training or other program prescribed for said reserve components, and he shall not be entitled to be credited with either additional active Federal service or additional Federal service in a reserve component other than active Federal service for the purpose of this title while he is in an Recal to active inactive status. Any such person may, in the discretion of the cogni- zant service Secretary, be recalled to active status at any time, and if so recalled, he shall be credited with active Federal service or Federal service in a reserve component other than active Federal service, or both for the performance of such duty. Resti SEc. 309. Service as a member of a reserve component shall be subject to the requirements of the military services and appropriations available therefor from time to time. No person shall be ordered to active Federal Service for the sole purpose of qualifying for retirement benefits under this title. B pay or aow- SEC. 310. No back pay or allowances for any period prior to the date of enactment thereof shall accrue to any person by reason of enactment of this title. coAptibtua SEC. 311. The provisions of this title, except as may be necessary to adapt the same thereto shall apply to personnel of the Coast Guard 1090 [62 STAT.