Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/1141

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62 STAT.] SOTH CONG., 2D SESS.-CH. 738-JUNE 29, 1948 [CHAPTER 738] AN ACT 1111 To amend the Federal Airport Act. [H. R. 6a0] [Public Law 840] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the UnitedStates of America in Congress assembled,That section 17 of the Federal Airport Federal Airport Act is hereby amended to read as follows: A0St 1 am nt. 1 SEC. 17 . (a) Reimbursement shall be made to public agencies, as e49U s rseen6or provided in this section, for the necessary rehabilitation or repair of repair etc., of public public airports heretofore or hereafter substantially damaged by any a rpor ts Federal agency. The Administrator is authorized to render such assistance as he deems necessary to public agencies in the preparation of requests for reimbursement for the cost of rehabilitation or repair of public airports, under the control or management of such public agencies, which have been substantially damaged by any Federal agency and, upon receipt of such a request from a public agency, the Administrator is further authorized, on behalf of the United States, to consider, ascertain, and determine, in accordance with regulations he shall prescribe pursuant to this section, the actual or estimated cost of such necessary rehabilitation or repair for which such public agency is entitled to reimbursement from the United States. "(b) Such amount as may be found by the Administrator to be the Certification of cost actual or estimated cost of such rehabilitation or repair shall be certi- ogr e fied by the Administrator to Congress, which certification shall include a brief statement of the character of the damage upon which the request for reimbursement is based and of the work performed or to be per- formed to accomplish such rehabilitation or repair. In the event that, Actual cot exoed. upon completion of such rehabilitation or repair. it is determined that g em the actual cost thereof, as approved by the Administrator, exceeds the amount of the estimate certified to Congress by him, the Adminis- trator shall certify to Congress the amount by which such actual cost exceeds such estimate including in such certification a brief statement of the cause of the variation between the estimated and the actual cost of such rehabilitation and repair. Certifications made hereunder by the Administrator shall be deemed contractual obligations of the United States, payable as hereinafter provided. "(c) There are hereby authorized to be appropriated such amounts thAp o rpriation u- as may be necessary to enable the Administrator to make payments as provided for in this section to public agencies, either upon completion of the rehabilitation or repair involved, or as such rehabilitation or repair progresses, it being the purpose of this subsection to authorize the Administrator to make payments to public agencies, out of funds appropriated pursuant to this section, as reimbursement for the cost of such public agencies of work performed in accomplishing rehabili- tation or repair prior to final completion of such work and at such time or times as may be determined by the Administrator, after consul- tation with the public agency involved: Provided, That no such mLnStation on pay- payment made by the Administrator shall be in an amount which, together with all previous payments made to reimburse such public agency for the cost of such rehabilitation or repair, shall exceed the estimated cost of the work then performed. If the Administrator shall determine at any time that the aggregate of such payments exceeds the actual cost of the work then performed the United States shall be entitled to recover such excess. In the event the estimate of the cost of rehabilitation or repair of an airport as certified to Congress