Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/1212

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 771-JUNE 30,1948 Allotment for small SEC. 205. That the Secretary of the Army is hereby authorized to pro. allot from any appropriations heretofore or hereafter made for flood control, not to exceed $2,000,000 for any one fiscal year, for the con- struction of small flood-control projects not specifically authorized by Congress, and not within areas intended to be protected by projects so authorized, which come within the provisions of section 1 of the 33 Usta. S 71a. Flood Control Act of June 22, 1936, when in the opinion of the Chief Limitation. of Engineers such work is advisable: Provided, That not more than $100,000 shall be allotted for this purpose at any single locality from the appropriations for any one fiscal year: Providedfurther,That the provisions of local cooperation specified in section 3 of the Flood Con- 49 Stat. 157. trol Act of June 22, 1936, as amended, shall apply: And provided fur- ther, That the work shall be complete in itself and not commit the United States to any additional improvement to insure its successful operation, except as may result from the normal procedure applying to projects authorized after submission of preliminary examination and survey reports. SEC. 206. That section 5 of the Flood Control Act of August 18, 55 Stat. 650; 60 Stat. 1941, as amended by section 12 of the Flood Control Act of 1946, is 33U.S.C.I701n. hereby further amended to read as follows: Allotment for rece "That the Secretary of the Army is hereby authorized to allot, from any appropriations heretofore or hereafter made for flood control, not to exceed $2,000,000 for any one fiscal year to be expended in rescue work or in the repair, restoration, or maintenance of any flood-control work threatened or destroyed by flood, including the strengthening, raising, extending, or other modification thereof as may be necessary in the discretion of the Chief of Engineers for the adequate function- ing of the work for flood control." thApropriatioroa- SEC. 207. That the sum of $62,000,000 is hereby authorized to be ments and surveys. appropriated for carrying out improvements under this title by the Department of the Army, and the sum of $10,000,000 additional is authorized to be appropriated and expended in equal amounts by the Departments of the Army and Agriculture for carrying out any exam- ination or survey provided for in this title and any other Acts of Congress to be prosecuted by said Departments. thoriofratioen a- SEC. 208. That the sum of $25,000,000 is hereby authorized to be fund. appropriated as an emergency fund to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Army and the supervision of the Chief of Engineers for the repair, restoration, and strengthening of levees and other flood-control works which have been threatened or destroyed by recent floods, or which may be threatened or destroyed by later floods, including the raising, extending, or other modification of such works as may be necessary in the discretion of the Chief of Engineers for the adequate functioning of the works for flood control: Provided That local interests shall provide without cost to the United States all lands, easements, and rights-of-way necessary for the work and shall maintain and operate all the works after completion in a manner satis- Aotment trom factory to the Chief of Engineers: Providedfurther,That pending the appropriation of said sum, the Secretary of the Army may allot from existing flood-control appropriations such sums as may be necessary for the immediate prosecution of the work authorized by this section, such appropriations to be reimbursed from said emergency fund when appropriated: And provided further, That funds allotted under this authority shall not be diverted from the unobligated funds from the appropriation "Flood control, general", made available in War Depart- ment Civil Functions Appropriation Acts for specific purposes. shrt tu. Smo.209. Title II may be cited as the "Flood Control Act of 1948". Approved June 30, 1948. 1182 [62 STAT.