Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/1254

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PUBLIC LAWS-CHS. 809, 810-JULY 2,1948 July 2, 1948 [S. 1683] [Public Law 881] Indian reservations, N. Y. Jurisdiction over of- fenses. [CHAPTER 809] AN ACT To confer jurisdiction on the State of New York with respect to offenses com- mitted on Indian reservations within such State. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the State of New York shall have jurisdiction over offenses committed by or against Indians on Indian reservations within the State of New York to the same extent as the courts of the State have jurisdiction over offenses committed elsewhere within the State as defined by the laws of the State: Provided,That nothing contained in this Act shall be construed to deprive any Indian tribe, band, or community, or members thereof, hunting and fishing rights as guaranteed them by agreement, treaty, or custom, nor require them to obtain State fish and game licenses for the exercise of such rights. Approved July 2, 1948. [CHAPTER 810] AN ACT July 2, 1948 [. 1969] To amend the Philippine Rehabilitation Act of 1946 in connection with the [Public Law 882] training of Filipinos as provided for in title III. Be it enacted by the Senate and Houise of Representatives of the Philippine Reha- United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 302 (b) bilitation Act of 1946, amendments. of the Philippine Rehabilitation Act of 1946 (Public Law 370, Sev- 60 Stat. 135. enty-ninth Congress) is amended to read as follows: S 1782(b). "(b) The Commissioner of Public Roads is authorized, under such traFiino engineer regulations as he may adopt, to provide training for not to exceed ten Filipino engineers, to be designated by the President of the Philippines from the regularly employed staff of the Philippine Public Works Department and the engineer officers of the armed forces of the Philip- 60 Stat. 139. pines subject to the provisions of section 311 (c), in the construction, 1791 (c). maintenance, and highway traffic engineering and control necessary for the continued maintenance and for the efficient and safe operation of highway transport facilities." 60 Stat. a36. SEC. 2 . Section 305 (b) of the Philippine Rehabilitation Act of 1946 .0U,.S.C.a 1785(b). is amended to read as follows: iturvy of health "(b) To accomplish such purposes the Public Health Service shall at the earliest practicable time survey the health situation in the Philippines, and is authorized to replace, expand, or install such health services and facilities in the Philippines as are deemed essential to preservation of health, and may assist in the rehabilitation and devel- opment of a Philippine quarantine service for prevention of intro- nstruction. duction of disease from abroad or from one island to another. The Public Health Service may set up demonstrations and establish train- ing centers in the Philippines; may establish and maintain in the Philippines a school or schools for the purpose of providing practical instruction in public health; and may, at any time prior to July 1, 1950, provide not to exceed one year of training in public health methods and administration, through study at appropriate schools or colleges in the United States and supplementary field work and observation of public health work, to not more than ninety Filipinos, to be desig- nated by the President of the Philippines subject to the provisions 60 Stat. app. of section 311 (c), and not to exceed five months of training in such 1791 (c). methods and administration, through field work and observation of public health work, to not more than ten additional Filipinos, to be Equipment. SO designated. It may replace equipment and supply reasonably necessary additional equipment, utilizing for this purpose, so far as 1224 [62 STAT.