Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/132

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 166 -MAR . 31, 1948 60 Stat. 596. 0 U.S.C .§ 0g8-8h , app. § 1623 (b); Supp. I, 598 note. 60 Stat. 596. 60U.S . . §§98-98h, app. § 1623 (b); Supp. I, 98 note. Minimum percent- ages. DECLARATION OF POLICY SEC. 2. It is the policy of the United States that there shall be maintained at all times in the interest of the national security and common defense, in addition to stock piles of natural rubber which are to be acquired, rotated, and retained pursuant to the Strategic and Critical Materials Stock Piling Act (Public Law 520, Seventy- ninth Congress, approved July 23, 1946), a technologically advanced and rapidly expandible rubber-producing industry in the United States of sufficient productive capacity to assure the availability in times of national emergency of adequate supplies of synthetic rubber to meet the essential civilian, military, and naval needs of the country. It is further declared to be the policy of the Congress that the security interests of the United States can and will best be served by the development within the United States of a free, competitive synthetic- rubber industry. In order to strengthen national security through a sound industry it is essential that Government ownership of pro- duction facilities, Government production of synthetic rubber, regula- tions requiring mandatory use of synthetic rubber, and patent pooling be ended and terminated whenever consistent with national security, as provided in this Act. AUTHORITY TO EXERCISE CERTAIN CONTROLS OVER NATURAL RUBBER AND SYNTHETIC RUBBER AND PRODUCTS CONTAINING NATURAL AND SYN- THETIC RUBBER SEC. 3. To effectuate the policies set forth in section 2 of this Act, the President is authorized to exercise allocation, specification, and inventory controls of natural rubber and synthetic rubber, and speci- fication controls of products containing natural rubber and synthetic rubber, notwithstanding any changes in the supply or estimated supply of natural rubber or synthetic rubber; and he shall exercise such controls by issuing such regulations as are required to insure (a) the consumption in the United States of general-purpose synthetic rubber in a specified percentage of the combined total estimated annual consumption of natural rubber and general-purpose synthetic rubber consumed within the United States, and (b) the consumption in the United States of any or all types of special-purpose synthetic rubber in specified percentages of the combined total estimated annual consumption of natural rubber, general-purpose synthetic rubber, and special-purpose synthetic rubber consumed within the United States. Such percentages shall be established so as to assure the production and consumption of general-purpose synthetic rubber and special- purpose synthetic rubber in quantities determined by the President to be necessary to carry out the policy of section 2 of this Act, and the provisions of Public Law 520. Seventy-ninth Congress, approved July 23, 1946: Provided, That the minimum percentages established by the President shall result in a total annual tonnage consumption of synthetic rubber of at least the amounts specified in section 5 (d) of this Act, and that any mandatory consumption in excess of the quanti- ties specified in section 5 (d) of this Act shall not be more than is deemed by the President to be necessary in the interest of national security and the common defense. IMPORTATION AND EXPORTATION SEC. 4 . (a) The President may impose such import restrictions on finished and semifinished rubber products as he deems necessary to assure equality with like or similar products produced within the United States in accordance with regulations issued under this Act. (b) The President may exempt from the regulations issued under [62 STAT.