Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/136

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 166 -MAR . 31, 1948 the manner in which they shall be incurred, allowed and paid, and to exercise such other powers as may be necessary or appropriate to carry out the purposes of the corporation. The Secretary of the Treasury is authorized, out of appropriations made for that purpose, to subscribe to the capital stock of such corporation. Transferofaciittesg (d) The President may transfer to the departments, agencies, officers, Government corporations, or instrumentalities of the United States, or to any of them, which he directs to exercise the powers, authority, and discretion conferred upon him by this Act, such rubber- producing facilities, personnel, property, and records relating to such powers, authority, and discretion, as he deems necessary; and he may so transfer all appropriations or other funds available for carrying out such powers, authority, and discretion. Annual report. (e) In addition to the reports required by section 9 (a) of this Act, each department, agency, officer, Government corporation, or instru- mentality of the United States to whom the President may delegate any powers, authority, and discretion conferred by this Act shall make an annual report to the President and to the Congress of operations under this Act. PATENT POOLING AND USE OF TECHNICAL INFORMATION SEC. 11. (a) To effectuate further the policies of this Act, the Pres- ident is authorized and directed to take such action as may be appropriate with respect to patent pooling, patent licensing and exchange of information agreements entered into with the Government as a part of the wartime synthetic rubber program and, insofar as practicable and consistent with the purposes of this Act, to effectuate immediate cessation of further accumulation of technical information or rights to patents under the agreement dated December 19, 1941, as supplemented June 12, 1942, between the Government and others. (b) Any department, agency, officer, Government corporation, or instrumentality of the United States as the President may designate to perform the powers, functions, duties, and authority referred to in section 7 (b) of this Act shall be entitled to the benefits of the Act 35U. .C. 68 . of June 25, 1910 (36 Stat. 851), as amended July 1, 1918 (40 Stat. 705), or any similar Act. INFORMATION, REPORTS, SUBPENAS, WITNESSES, AND TESTIMONY Production of rec- ords. SEC. 12. (a) The President shall be entitled to obtain such infor- mation from, require such reports and the keeping of such records by, make such inspection of the books, records, and other writings, prem- ises, or property of, any person and make such investigations, as may be necessary or appropriate, in his discretion, to the enforcement or administration of the provisions of this Act. (b) For the purpose of obtaining any information, verifying any report required, or making any investigation pursuant to section 12 (a) of this Act, the President may administer oaths and affirmations, and may require by subpena or otherwise the attendance and testimony of witnesses and the production of any books or records or any other documentary or physical evidence which may be relevant to the inquiry. Such attendance and testimony of witnesses and the production of such books, records, or other documentary or physical evidence may be required at any designated place from any State, Territory, or other place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States: Provided, That the production of a person's books, records, or other documentary evidence shall not be required at any place other than the place where such person resides or transacts business, if, prior to the return date [62 STAT.