Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/1382

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INDEX Foreign Governments-Continued. Page Financial transactions with govern- ments in default in payment of obligations to United States, pen- alty----------------------- 744 Hostile actions by private persons, penalties -------------------- 745, 746 Possession of property in aid of, penalty- 745 Private correspondence with, penalty-- 744 Property of, conspiracy to injure, pen- alty------- ..._------ -- ..------ 744 Foreign Mail Transportation, appropria- tion for ---------. ----- --- 226, 419, 1045 Foreign Service, Department of State. See under State, Department of. Foreign Trade Agreements: Funds for effecting provisions relating to ---------------------------- 306 Trade Agreements Extension Act of 1948 ------------------------- 1053 Forest and Range Resources, Indian, appropriation for management------- 1118 Forest Fires: Fighting of, appropriation for--------- 64, 220, 222, 522, 1115, 1140 Indian lands, appropriation for sup- pression on--------- 220, 221, 1118, 1124 Prevention of, appropriation for ----- _ 522 Forest Glen, Md., construction of military installations, authorized------------ 376 Forest Pest Control Act, appropriation for carrying out provisions------- 64, 520 Forest Pests, Control of, appropriation for---- ------------------- __-- 519 Forest Reservation Commission, National: Appropriation for ------------------ 521 Consolidation of areas within Superior National Forest, Minn., approval requirement -.. -- -- -- -- -. . --- Forest Service. See under Agriculture, Department of. Forests, National. See National Forests. Forgery, penal provisions relating to----- Fort Apache Reservation, Ariz., museum, appropriation for ------ _-----.... Fort Armstrong, Hawaii, construction of military installations, authorized --- Fort Belknap Indian Reservation, Mont., irrigation projects, appropriation for ......... ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- .. . Fort Bell-Kindley Field, Bermuda, con- struction of military installations, authorized_. -- -- - -.

_________.. Fort Belvoir, Va., construction of military installations, authorized ----------- Fort Benning, G., construction of military installations, authorized- .- -- _ .. - -- Fort Berthold Indian Reservation, N. Dak., per capita payments of oertain moneys------------.....-.-------- 570 705 1117 378 1119 379 375 375 38 Fort Bliss, Tex., construction of military Page installations, authorized------ _- --- - 375 Fort Bragg, N. C., construction of military installations, authorized------------ 376 Fort Brooke, Puerto Rico, construction of military installations, authorized ----- 379 Fort Buchanan, Puerto Rico, construction of military installations, authorized - 379 Fort Chimo, Canada, construction of mili- tary installations, authorized -------- 379 Fort DeRussey, Hawaii, construction of military installations, authorized---- 378 Fort Des Moines Veterans' Village, juris- diction of State of Iowa .-- ---- --- 583 Fort Douglas Military Reservation, Utah, transfer of portion to Bureau of Mines by Department of the Army--------- 1139 Fort George G. Meade, Md., construction of military installations, authorized-- 376 Fort Hall Indian Irrigation Project, Idaho, promotion of interests by land acqui- sitions and exclusions, definition of irrigable area, etc ----------------- 1167 Appropriations authorized ------ 1169, 1170 Fort Hall Reservation, Idaho: Erroneous collections, irrigation project, appropriation for refunds, author- ized--------------- ---. ------ 1169 Irrigation preparation, Fort Hall Main Canal, payments for, appropriation authorized --------------- . -- -- _ 1169 Shoshone-Bannock Tribes of Fort Hall Reservation, purchase of land for, appropriation authorized--------- 1169 Fort Hamilton, New York Port of Embar- kation, N. Y ., construction of military installations, authorized ----------- 376 Fort Jay, N. Y., construction of military installations, authorized------------ 376 Fort Kearney, Nebr., one-hundredth anni- versary, issuance of commemorative stamp_______--------------- _--- _ 343 Fort Knox, Ky.: Bullion depository, appropriation for- -- 413 Military installations, construction au- thorized..----------------...- - 376 Fort Leavenworth, Kans.: Command and General Staff College, Army, appropriation for-------- _ 660 Military installations, construction au- thorized------------------------ 376 Fort Lewis, Wash., construction of mili- tary installations, authorized ------- 376 Fort Madison, Iowa, Mississippi River at, works of improvement, adoption and authorization----------------- -- - 1173 Fort McPherson, Ga., construction of mili- tary installations, authorized------ 376 Fort Mojave Indians, Ariz., appropriation fMr intu4ltrial O Saa1t& 1192 LX rvr Y·urulv··usoo·or ·· ·w,,-,,, --,,- - - rrrr